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jnemesh t1_j8k8rvf wrote

LOL, sure. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn! How, exactly, are they going to have cutting edge AI without any chips to run it on?


Royal_Intention_8282 t1_j8ko8sc wrote

Lol don’t blindly believe things you hear about non-allied countries from allied centric sources. China’s entire economy has been built on reverse engineering technologies and stealing IP. To think they have no plans to manufacture their own chips is just silly.


22grande22 t1_j8l0aae wrote

You don't just build chips dude. The plants that make them take like a decade to build. By the time china builds these out they will be way behind.


jnemesh t1_j8nigqb wrote

And they can build all of the "factories" they want...without the MACHINES that can produce the chips, all of the buildings in the world won't help them!


22grande22 t1_j8nn0f4 wrote

The factory is the machine you dipshit. Google what a chip factory looks like


22grande22 t1_j8nn2a8 wrote

The factory is the machine. Google what a chip factory looks like


Royal_Intention_8282 t1_j8l0pvc wrote

China has already replicated lithography machines and has several chip manufacturing plants. Once again, don’t blindly believe allied sources on news about non-allied countries.


22grande22 t1_j8l151g wrote

You realize there are different kinds and grades of chips right? Just cause they can make a toy frog sing doesn't mean they can make high-end military type chips.

One of the main reasons the US cut them off is cause they were putting us chips in their military hardware.

Nobody's blindly believing anything but you're sure out here spreading bullshit.

.......and your a china shill. Go figure. Go fuck yourself dude


Royal_Intention_8282 t1_j8l1btl wrote

You’re very stupid honestly. China at present has the ability to manufacture chips for almost every type of commonly used device.


CaptainCAPSLOCKED t1_j8l6dae wrote

Great. Then there is no reason for them to be bothered by being cut off from western chips.


Royal_Intention_8282 t1_j8l96gt wrote

You don’t understand politics. America has enough oil reserves to power the country for a very long time. Do you think America would not be bothered if OPAC cut them off from oil?


jnemesh t1_j8ni9gg wrote

It appears that we have a better grasp on the politics and reality in general, than you do!


AmeriToast t1_j8lkofv wrote

China can make low end chips right now. They lack the ability to make high end chips currently because they have not been able to steal the tech yet. So they have been cut off to make it harder to steal it.


jnemesh t1_j8nicjh wrote

They don't have EUV, and they never will. Nor will they be able to make the newer lithography machines that are replacing EUV.


jnemesh t1_j8ni61n wrote

They can't replicate the high end chips, nor the lithography machines to make them. They HAVE shown samples of "7nm" chips, but can't produce them at scale. below 7nm, forget it. You aren't a very good China troll are you?

Facts still matter.


Royal_Intention_8282 t1_j8njzkm wrote

Yea, once again a dumb American believing anything American publications tell them about the rest of the world even when all evidence shows it to be untrue.


Redditing-Dutchman t1_j8krywf wrote

They will have it. They will just be more expensive as they need to buy it from another country for example.


jnemesh t1_j8nevlu wrote

They can try to skirt sanctions, sure...but 1) any country caught helping them will also face repercussions, and 2) China doesn't have a culture of innovation. Anyone who can think for themselves is usually, fired, imprisoned, or shot.