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GodOfPlutonium t1_jauxq7j wrote

this is patently ridiculous. In your original comment you you replied to me saying not to deep discharge with

> but you can discharge as low as you want.

Only now have you shifted your argent to '25% is ok'.

> 500 cycles to 70% if you discharge 100% every time, not your 500 cycles to 80% claim.

I used 500 to 80% instead of 300 to 70% because the better number for standard discharge is better for your position not mine lmao, if you try to recalculate with the worse standard numbers, it just increases the amount that avoiding full discharge saves.

The point being It does not prove anything about discharging to 0%. If you want to tell people not to discharge below 25% instead of below 40% that is one thing, but you have explicitly claimed multiple times that you can discharge as far as you want , which as I have previously explained is demonstrably false using your own data.

> As for the extra protection phones have.. which cites as it's source. This shows a cutoff of 3v, although it also says manufacturers set this limit themselves which is kind of obvious. I doubt they set the limit just above what kills the phone, otherwise we'd hear of phones being replaced every few months instead of every 2 years as normal. I also never did claim phones have extra protection, just that they have a BMS that protects them from full discharges. Again with the strawman arguments...

There is no strawman argument, you explcitly stated

>super well protected against this type of damage and often stop battery draw well before the battery actually loses all charge.

The term "super well" implies additional protection beyond what is normal. Furthermore you have again linked to a source disproves your own argument. Your entire argument is predicated on the idea that the low voltage protection will shut down the battery with a significant buffer before 0 charge. The graph in your own second link that at a 0.2c discharge rate (which translates to a 5 hour battery life, so in a phone itd be even lower discharge rate), there is 3% energy left at a 3v cutoff. This literally proves what I said in the previous comment

> If you actually go look at a lithium ion discharge graph, as current draw decreases, the voltage curve shifts upward and rightwards. This means that as discharge reduces , the state of charge that a voltage represents is lower and lower. Phones are a low power, high energy application, which means that even if you set the lvp to 3v, a full 0.5v over 2.5v, it represents very little remaining energy.


> Lots of people believe a lot of things, to argue otherwise is nonsensical

In this very thread there are plenty of people arguing that memory effect needs to be avoided, and 0 people arguing that it is as you put it " catastrophically damaging", only more wear. Even battery myth articles commonly address the memory effect idea, not whatever youre saying.