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Snaab OP t1_jbmyud8 wrote

Aw man, I feel for you. Getting broken up with is one of the worst feelings; especially, during the phase you’re in right now where you’re abruptly being forced to come to terms with the structure of your days being so different. It’s unavoidable.

For what it’s worth…thankfully, the best prescription for a broken heart works its magic whether you want it to or not — and that’s time.

I’ve gone through it myself (by the woman I truly believed I was going to marry). I felt like I was never going to find anyone as good as her again. I tortured myself over “the things I could have done better” and turned to dating apps to try to quickly fill the void she left in my life, but it only made it hurt worse.

Before I knew it I found myself in a deep depression that I had to climb my way out of through weekly counseling sessions. In my case it took about 3 months for me to get back to the point where I was “standing” and could honestly tell someone that I was “okay” at any given moment. Then it took about two years after that, as well as a few more trial relationships to find the woman I’ve now been with for 4 years, married for 3, and can’t wait to grow old with if we’re lucky.

And you know what? While I definitely could and should have done some things better that might have made things work with my ex, hindsight has me 100% convinced that we simply weren’t right for each other.

I know you didn’t request any advice on your current situation (if this even qualifies as advice). I just wanted to offer some insight into another dude’s experience with what you’re going through. Wish I could tell it to myself back then. Hang in there man.