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Snaab OP t1_jboquov wrote

I’m so sorry to hear that. Just to throw it out there, I experienced suicidal ideation too in the past, when my circumstances were different. Now it’s been a long time since it’s happened to me, but I never rule out that it might show up again.

My best friend still experiences suicidal ideation off and on. It used to be pretty much constant for him for years, but at this point it is few and far between, lasting just a few hours when it happens. He has accepted the fact that it is just something he experiences, but has learned that it never lasts. He tries to tell me when it does. And even though it doesn’t “make it go away”, he says it always helps just to hear me say I love him and that am here for him, whatever he may need — even if it’s just to know I care.

So now I am saying the same to you. And there are many other people out there who would do the same. If you ever need someone to talk to you can message me on here and I promise to respond! And if you can think of anyone you know personally in life who you trust to know how you feel, who can show you they care without “freaking out” or being overbearing about it, I highly recommend reaching out to them.

Just know that it will pass, and that — aside from how you feel/think when it comes vs. when it goes — the fact that you matter stays the same.