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03ifa014 t1_jbp8g23 wrote


Any advice for those of us looking to get published at some point?


Kristofmorrow OP t1_jbp8nan wrote

Self publish. Publishing companies are dying in my view and if the work is quality enough, it will thrive. That’s my hope anyway.


TeamRedundancyTeam t1_jbphtsg wrote

>Publishing companies are dying in my view

Mind elaborating on this?


Kristofmorrow OP t1_jbpisal wrote

Simon and schuster were purchased by Harper Collins and those who retail their product are often dying. though some bookstores do thrive, I find it to be rare. Media distributed directly to an audience from the source is the future. Like we’re seeing with video games and other media content, the bloom of indie content people discover some has a great deal of cultural value. This is only simulated in a traditional publisher’s boardroom.


Old_Title5793 t1_jbpmckf wrote

What's the process of finding a good editor like when you self publish?


Kristofmorrow OP t1_jbpni5j wrote

Im disabled with severe Tourette’s and my wife and I just separated so I had no money for an editor lol it’s a mistake, I know but one that cannot be helped.