Submitted by EERMA t3_11ok0v6 in GetMotivated

Regardless of our past experiences, we all have the ability to live in the present. With time, effort and practice, we can make the most of each day to live our best lives.

These practices help us leave the past behind and live in the present:

Accept the past. Events have already happened. We can’t undo them. We can’t wish them away – that’s just physics! Now is the best time to acknowledge them, learn whatever can be learned from them and apply that learning to the present. Then, we become ready, bit by bit, to let go of the negative feelings, images, thoughts, and emotions – the baggage - associated with past events. Unburdened, we can live fully in the present.

Recognize that your past doesn’t need to define you. Thinking that the future will automatically be the same as the past is a common limiting belief which we can challenge. Situations themselves do not define us – how we choose to respond to them does. As we develop our sense of agency – of taking control of our lives – so our choices grow. And life shifts from responding to events to implementing our choices.

Let go. Sometimes easier said than done but entirely do-able. I guide most of my clients through a ‘letting go’ process which they can use whenever they wish thereafter. Allied with an growing sense of agency, this provides a powerful combination analogous to turbo-charging our engine at the same time as emptying out all the clutter we’ve been driving around.

Take a look at your present life. Take stock of your health, family, relationships, home, personal development, career, leisure etc (in terms of whatever these things mean to you) to get a starting point. What key decisions have I made that got me here? What key decisions will I make, now?

Create the life you want. For each of these areas, decide how you would prefer them to be. This can be done intuitively in trance or analytically – or a combination of both.

Immerse yourself in each moment. You’ve probably experienced the frustration and irritation of being involved in one activity while you’re actually thinking about something else. Develop the habit of asking yourself what is the most valuable thing you could be doing right now to progress towards one of your visions for the future.

Check in with your emotions. Reflect on how you feel. Are you energized? Is your mood melancholy? How do you feel about what you’re doing right now? Explore what you are learning from your reflections.

When you live in the present, doing what is most valuable to you, reflecting and learning, you will be on your way to living your best life.



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Sanguinius666264 t1_jbuiqn0 wrote

Could you explain the letting go process in a bit more detail, please?


Positive-Task6934 t1_jbwmvay wrote

It will take time, effort and practice to hone the habits that will make our visions a reality, but with commitment and patience you will be well on your way.


EERMA OP t1_jbwub1p wrote

No worries - there are a number of threads - they can happen in parallel rather than in series:

The work I do is rooted in Solution Focused Brief Therapy: while the influence of the past is fully acknowledged the focus is on using the present to build the client's chosen future. It's quite common to work with clients who have been so wrapped up in what they think is the problem (it often isn't) that they have lost sight of there being solutions and / or a way forward. Switching the focus can be revelatory.

Session time is split between a solution focused conversation and a guided hypnosis session. These parts re-enforce each other. The key benefits of hypnosis session include (1) a reduction in general anxiety levels (which makes it easier to to think in terms of solutions rather than problems) (2) identifying and implementing desired outcomes and (3) it develops the client's abilities with self-hypnosis so they can enjoy the benefits for as long as they choose.

Alot of what can weigh us down is emotional baggage from the past: the feelings, images and thoughts which serve no benefits to us now. One of the hypnosis sessions I have developed give the client the space to let go of any such baggage they are ready to let go of. This is often quite an emotional experience: clients have described it variously as 'it feels like I'm ten tonnes lighter', 'I'm free', 'wow - that was intense'. I tend do this session once I've worked with a client a few times - so they are ready for it. As with almost all of the sessions I do, I give the clients an MP3 version of the hypnosis session so they can repeat the process as many times as they wish: a basic ethos is that the client is the expert of their inner experience.


I have a comprehensive case study of my work with a client that I can pass on to anyone to learn more about the above: just get in touch and I'll send it on.