Submitted by vicki_davitashvili t3_11p4a66 in GetMotivated

Since our childhood we're programmed to have limited beliefs and limited thinking. You are conditioned to believe that you can be smart, but not a good athlete, or that you can be a good writer but not good at math.

Instead of believing that you can be one thing or the other, embrace believing that you can be both. Believe that you can live the most abundant and fulfilling life. By simply changing your beliefs you can reprogram your brain, reprogram your mind, to believe that you can have it all in life.

Some examples in my life of embracing a life of "yes" and of "and" have been being an entrepreneur and having a full-time job, encouraging my daughter to pursue her passion for baking and science by exploring becoming a food scientist, pursuing hobbies in art and science. Don't limit yourself. Say "yes" to life, and embrace believing that you can live a life of "and" without placing limits on your passions and pursuits in life.



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CantaloupeKlutzy8830 t1_jbwrxhl wrote

Absolutely! So many times we're told to pick just one thing, when instead we could be exploring multiple passions that can fit together in creative, unexpected ways. I believe that by broadening our perspectives and embracing all that life has to offer, we can unlock our potential and find real satisfaction in all areas of our lives.


vicki_davitashvili OP t1_jbxgk1k wrote

So well said! And this is exactly what I'm trying to instill in my kids now, not to only focus on one passion, but to allow all their passions to come through and see where life takes them. Thank you for the comment.


_sagittarivs t1_jbw3nqd wrote

Very often we fit ourselves into boxes and labels and restrict our thoughts to whatever is inside, but we tend to forget to look outside the boxes and to see what things there are that we can too find ourselves around.

And that makes for a more interesting life than one just focused inside the box.


MeorYew t1_jbxk4bi wrote

Have you taken an improv class?


vicki_davitashvili OP t1_jbxkaja wrote

Funny you ask…I signed up for one starting in April. I’m petrified to say the least, but I know I’ll come out so much better on the other side of it. Im just embracing my fear of it.