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levidathan t1_jbyxe60 wrote

Good on you. Keep it up!


OneHandOffset t1_jbzvrgq wrote

Nice! Be sure to allow yourself to rest. It is how our bodies repair themselves and grow new muscle. Plan it out so you sleep enough and you have days that you aren't exercising.

Best of luck!


Gmbowser t1_jbyvmbn wrote

If u have asthma i remember the doctor recommending me to do swimming helped me alot.


mydogisreallyamoose t1_jbz1gtz wrote

Consume information. You can spin your wheels without the proper knowledge.


WTF_Why_The_Fiction t1_jc02rlp wrote

Good luck. I just got back from spring break and I will join you.


jaffa3811 t1_jc03ih3 wrote

try going to the gym, it's a magical place and it's much easier to get in a good workout there


BJordanSounds t1_jc09nps wrote

Well done on your achievement! You just motivated me to start back exercising!! Keep up the great work!


realtorcrowe t1_jc0gplw wrote

You can do it, keep up the work and show those bullies what your made of!


LastChristian t1_jc0knaq wrote

Dude that is awesome. I am a year into not exercising even one day because I'm a little depressed. This post really made me want to take a step forward and follow your lead. Thank you and go for day three!


existentialstix t1_jc0lbyk wrote

Good going. Keep up the good work. Remember to take rest days so your body can recover as well and progress over perfection


godofhorizons t1_jc0noit wrote

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Consistent work every day is how you get results. You got this.


clvrwitchdoc t1_jc0ru7l wrote

Wow!!! That’s really cool!!!

Great work!! Awesome for you taking your health in your own hands 🙌🏽 you’ll be so ahead

Plus the mental challenge of staying physically disciplined will not only improve your health but make it so you’ll be able to do harder and harder things which really comes in handy in life especially if you end up having big dreams 😊

I know you kids already know but YouTube has been amazing on my fitness journey, so much to learn!!


DueAd3334 t1_jc0uasr wrote

Good luck, my mate! As someone mentioned, consistent work leads to getting better and better and I am sure you will deal with every obstacle front of you. When I was a child I used to have this type of classmates and all I can advice you is not to take in heart what they say. You’re amazing and can do It and try keeping your mind away from their hate, all they do is because of jealousy.❤️


Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jc10987 wrote

it is same as me i worked out everyday 2x in morning and evening to become more discipline and feel more strong good decision my bruh keep doing it i believed in you hoping in your success someday in physical strength and in life


RsnCondition t1_jc18mxf wrote

Keep it up man, something someone said to me one day from a buff older man was "Even a lousy workout, is better than no workout" and I been trying to follow that sice then.


CM-CRUNK t1_jc1hhmu wrote

Nice! Definitely good to keep with the routine but like someone else mentioned, give yourself a day or so to rest every now and then.

As someone who was in the same boat as you with asthma and very skinny, I would recommend the following.

  • Get a prescription for a preventative inhaler (Flovent is what I have). Really helps lessen the need for rescue inhalers which repeat exercise also contributes to. Also take a puff of the rescue inhaler right before you start the workout and you probably won’t need it.
  • You mentioned “classmates” and being 20 means I’m assuming that you go to a college/university. Use the gym there as it should be part of your tuition. You may meet some workout buddies, will have access to better equipment, and just get more motivated being around others who are in shape. Don’t worry about what others are thinking of you as that part is all in your head. Everyone is there to do the same thing and focused on what they are doing, not what you are.
  • Workout your shoulders. It took an injury and rehab to get me to start this, but it really helped “fill out” my frame to where others started noticing
  • Keep track of progress. Take pictures along your journey to show this. (However, I wouldn’t recommend sharing with others until perhaps you have your ideal state). You’ll start to build more and more confidence as you go and continue that motivation as you can see your transformation over time.
  • Know that you are young and have much more ahead of you in life. I’m almost 40 and didn’t start to really care about exercising until I hit 30. You’re starting early and I wish I would’ve done the same.

Keep at it and hope these tips from my experience help!


RedPandaLovesYou t1_jc1m0rh wrote

Twice a day is a lot. Careful not to overwork yourself, physically or mentally. Burnout is real.


Deep_Thinker_Me t1_jc1ne60 wrote

I am with you on this, just started a week ago. Although I am older now but age doesn't matter. Just stay consistent and know your limits. Good luck.


KeXiii t1_jc2cic9 wrote

!remindme 200 days


ZoeYass t1_jc328tw wrote

Good luck! keep up the good work


VanillaParticular303 t1_jc34urf wrote

I love running, I didn’t fit in athletically until late high school and it was definitely running that first got me into what it means to enjoy fitness. Today I’m proud of how far my body has come


icantchangemynamebee OP t1_jc390y2 wrote

I heard a kid of my age should do at least one hour of moderate physical acitivity daily. I do not really fit in that requirement...


CrownNCokes t1_jc6bzrf wrote

Good luck, you got this! It can get hard and you can get tired and you'll feel pain, but that pain comes from growth and it hurts far less than the pain of regret and stagnation. Also remember that even if you fall down, you don't fail unless you stay down. Stay strong!


emmalegs t1_jc9oji1 wrote

Exercise fixes a LOT of problems. But please give your body what it needs to perform for you. Good nutrition, lots of water and lots of rest.