Submitted by vicki_davitashvili t3_11tfbrx in GetMotivated

Life is so uncertain right now. People are faced with job loss, health issues, companies going under. The anticipation of something bad happening is causing greater anxiety, fear, and sleeplessness for people. While uncertainty is truly difficult, at this time it's best to focus on what you can control versus what you can't control.

You can't control how your company performs, or if your companies decides to have layoffs.

What you can control is how you respond at this time. You can control how much effort you put in at work, if you're continuing to build your skill sets, if you're networking and growing your relationships. These are the things you can focus on right now to prepare you no matter what happens in the market that might be out of your control. A good mindfulness practice also helps.

Make sure to keep staying present, aware, and continue your meditation.



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Broken__Watch t1_jcjegr1 wrote

Can't be a coincidence I'm seeing this now. cause it's happening to me rn and man is it hard to stay positive Like what am I supposed to do when nothing goes right. I just got out of college and thought I landed a great place to start and learn but now it's like I'm worse off than where I started. I feel like I'm trying but nothing is going my way. I just need a win but it's hard to keep trying everyday


vicki_davitashvili OP t1_jck6fas wrote

I get it, trust me I do! I think you need to start to reframe all that is going on in your life.

  1. Don't try to do "fake" positive, because that doesn't work. Focus instead on accepting everything just as it is. That's acceptance.

  2. Look for any area of your life that is going well. I can tell you that just being young is a gift. Being young means you have the time to invest into discovering who you are, what you want to do in life, how you want to feel in life. You have energy to work hard. You know and understand social media. You grew up on the age of technology and just get it. And etc....

- focus on what you have that you may not realize are your "wins". Get into an attitude of gratitude. "I woke up. I am healthy. I can see, hear, walk, talk. I have energy. I have strength. I can research my next steps online. I can reach out to strangers on LinkedIn and someone will respond. ETC..."

Focus on what you can be grateful for. Focus on what you CAN do and reframe what's happening in your life.

Happy to provide more advice if you need it.


vicki_davitashvili OP t1_jcp4xde wrote

Absolutely! A lot of people ask me to coach them, I don’t have bandwidth for it right now, I may do it as group classes in the future. But I am absolutely happy to give you guidance, tools and tips for free. I genuinely just want to help everyone. Hang in there! Just reframe all that’s happening for you.