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G_Rex t1_jck5ea3 wrote

>Let go of: anxiety as a lifestyle

>Grow: anxiety as a lifestyle



dreamingonastar1 OP t1_jck5iy2 wrote

good catch! My bad... It should be GROW INTUITION & TRUSTING FAITH :)


Loreen72 t1_jck9wcr wrote

Was coming to ask how I do that and was wondering if this meant to make living with anxiety normalized!!! Will you link to update?


MorticiaFattums t1_jckakwd wrote

Not so inaccurate. I'm a very give no fucks person because my anxiety will kill me if give in to it. It really is Anxiety as a Lifestyle.


DontUseYouStatements t1_jckzuos wrote

If this image was a sound, then it would be the distant echoes of a construction site heard through a partially-open car door widow during bumper-to-bumper traffic.


bO8x t1_jckwq5b wrote

Way too much information. As a culture we really need to stop trying to cram so much information into our messages, especially when it's missing so much context. I can tell you for a fact that the way this information is being presented has potential to ruin at least one person's life. Sorry if this comes off harsh, but I need you to understand that if you don't know or can't figure out how this might ruin someone's life, then you are not qualified to present advice of this nature. That may be hard for you to believe since you can't see that so I'm hoping you are receptive to the fact what you are presenting here contains information that NEEDS further explanation. For example you present the advice "let go of what people think". Why? When? How? If that's not interesting to you, then pick ONE of these pieces of advice and expand on it. Again, I hope my tone isn't too harsh, but I'm triggered by this. For reasons I hope I don't to need to explain.


8LeggedSquirrel t1_jcl2ej5 wrote

I like the irony here


lil_chedda t1_jcmcdyo wrote

Lmao right I just stopped reading


bO8x t1_jcmi4au wrote

What exactly did you find funny here? My suffering or my account of suffering? If you have "laughed your ass off" at this then I'm concerned you may be some sort of lunatic who takes pleasure from tearing down other people. Which either makes you a threat or someone who just misunderstood and wants to apologize for being extremely disrespectful if not outright cruel.


lil_chedda t1_jcmjtea wrote

The irony of you immediately deciding to criticize a post about being aware of how you assign meaning to things in life and doing your best to let love and positivity in. I’m sure that you have suffered and I don’t mean to make a mockery of suffering. However policing the way others try to impart a positive change to a community because it is not packaged in a way that is palatable to you is not helping anyone but your ego to have a small win. To believe that it’s really difficult for you to see things in a positive light. Maybe I’m reading into it too much who knows . Also WHO CARES. Let people try and do good, stop looking outward for the “threat” and look within.


bO8x t1_jcmm7k5 wrote


Who cares? How old are you? That's a phrase teenagers use when they can't explain something.

> Let people try and do good

No. Because they're not helping and you have no possible way of understanding this because you have very little actual experience. How do I know this? Because you can't tell the difference between someone who is triggered and upset and someone who is just being a critical asshole.

> Policing

Which is what you are doing to me right now. How are you any better? Did your ego feel a small win by advising me to "look within"? I bet it felt good dishing some zen advice from your seat in the high chair.


lil_chedda t1_jcmmwdy wrote

Old enough to focus on things that I can control. This is in my opinion a helpful post. I like a lot of ideas that I can try. Meanwhile you’ve been cooking on this all afternoon while you could just put Reddit away. So yeah I’m going to stop replying to you and I suggest you take a deep breath and think about some stuff you’re grateful for. To quite a show I’ve been watching, “the truth will set you free, but first it will fucking piss you off” I hope you can find peace bud


bO8x t1_jcmne55 wrote

> I like a lot of ideas that I can try.

What ideas? And how exactly will you go about trying these ideas? Will you take notes? Because not everyone can understand this shit and since you seem to be enlightened, you could actually contribute something of value here.

> I hope you can find peace bud

Awww thanks. Your comically transparent fake empathy in your attempt to feel superior does make me feel better.


bO8x t1_jcmo2o2 wrote

>Old enough to focus on things that I can control.

You mean this interaction? Are you in control of this interaction? I'll take your silence as you being the better person here.


bO8x t1_jcmi8gs wrote

Jesus...another one of you. Yeah except if you read carefully I gave an explanation not just a collage of bumper stickers. I'm sorry my struggles seem ironic to you. Can you share some of your struggles so I may have a turn at trying to make you feel bad yourself? Any struggle will do. Perhaps maybe talk about your struggle with reading comprehension and empathy.


Aware-Damage-4667 t1_jclhvoi wrote

Are you anxious? Shit, have you though of not being that way? Thanks mate, now that I thought about it, I'll go with calm and collected.


EnbyEggie t1_jcm3bxk wrote

ngl this is super chaotic and hard to read


SpiritStriver90 t1_jckdsvu wrote

Sure, but "don't compare" makes me then wonder "well what if I'm settling". How do you annihilate that fast to make sure that you don't and still achieve genuine goodness?


vbomb9000 t1_jcl6tap wrote

word salad tastes like shit


Diablix t1_jclmpzx wrote

Changing your perspective CAN help a person just as much as it can hurt them, so instead giving the message of "be aware how your perception impacts you" would be better, but frankly this image is such word salad that I'm not sure there's actually an intended message at all.

If there is a message, I'm open to hearing it out, but as presented is kind of a mess.....or maybe that's just my perception of it lol (sorry, couldn't resist. The dumb joke at the end was just begging to be said)


NoCut7447 t1_jcmren4 wrote

It’s easier said than done when you’re diagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, Bipolar II, and having OCD like symptoms, but yeah I’ll try even though logically I know this. Just not possible to register it in my brain.