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TsunamiFridge t1_jcqvjhb wrote

Man, nothing is ever good enough for this subreddit. This is such a good quote from an awesome movie that tells us to stop overthinking about what was and what will be, and, instead, focus on the present.

This is not a cure for depression or anxiety, this is a thought to reflect upon.


DinerElf t1_jcr32ta wrote

Was going to post something like this. This is ironically the most rage filled sub I subscribe to. Like damn people, if it ain’t your cup of tea… move on. Go find something that makes you feel motivated or joyous. Screeching into the online abyss certainly will not be the thing that brings you comfort - from a person who once thought screeching into the online abyss would bring me fulfillment


HerrMilkmann t1_jcucyqx wrote

Yeah for a subreddit for getting motivated, there sure are a ton of debbie downers here. They think each quote has to be a one size fits all


Mountainbranch t1_jcosura wrote

There are no Oogways.

—Master Accident.


JGCities t1_jcs74w3 wrote

Such a great movie, Panda is very motivational as a character.

"There is no charge for awesomeness"


Alizaea t1_jcqznx9 wrote

For those who don't know, this saying wasn't made up for this movie. This saying was said by Eleanor Roosevelt.


devinmacd t1_jcqcs2z wrote

Ah, the Live, Laugh, Love of early 90s tole painting decor


a-kiwi-fan t1_jcqiro5 wrote

Whoever gave it to me either has a very sick sense of humour or hates me with a burning passion.


Matcha_Bubble_Tea t1_jcr14lc wrote

Usually I’m the Debbie Downer, but I thought this was nice to hear. It sounds like a good saying without any context.

Also some of y’all belong in the r/2meirl4meirl with us miserable fucks (including myself) instead of here lol. Or r/2meirl42meirl4meirl for the advanced gamers.


snky_owl t1_jcsgv45 wrote

A beautiful movie


Thermon01 t1_jcsxyqm wrote

This has been reposted like 3 times in the past months


lyfemetre t1_jct3sy3 wrote

This is a smart play on words