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MasterMechanicMike t1_jcs48zr wrote

Something that was life changing for me was realizing, no matter what im doing, who i am with, how hard the task is, how annoyed im getting, how impatient i am, how much im overthinking, or on the flip side, no matter how much of a good time im having, time is still ticking and ticking away, and that time ticking is your life…., i know that sounds scary.

But look at it this way. What i am doing now, is trying to enjoy EVERY moment for what it is, and being totally present at the same time. Yeah some moments will bother you, some may piss you off, some may make you sad, but being present in every moment and accepting your current emotions as they are is what life is all about. And yes on top of that we all need goals, ambitions, a schedule. But if you can just totally be present with your current task, rather than being overwhelmed and thinking about your next 5 tasks before you finished that one, or being at work and being miserable wishing you were home, just enjoy work for what it is since its apart of your current life. (Just examples obv work may not wven be a problem for you)

I hope all this makes sense. And trust me its easier said than done, a basic rule of thumb is the less you think about the past and future and just focus on your current moment, and making your current moment as best as it can be, it will be life changing. One last rule of thumb is THINK less and DO more.