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PIMP1729 t1_jcugrdz wrote

I think that as in everything it is discipline, equally in practice because many times we do not see very fast advances and we get demotivated or perhaps it may be that martial arts are not completely for you, but how everything is practice and patience and more in martial arts. It is a development of discipline because many times we will not have motivation to do things, that is when our discipline comes in. :)

Sorry for my English I'm still learning..


princesstallyo t1_jcums0o wrote

Yes, discipline is important, especially when you have setbacks, then it can be good to just be able to force yourself to do something. If what you want to achieve is important enough, then the discipline becomes easier. So it's about setting good and reasonable goals with what you're doing and that can be a challenge.


PIMP1729 t1_jcuoyfe wrote

Exactly, I also think that sometimes you will not be able to commit to something due to lack of time or some unexpected commitment, do not pressure yourself if it happens, and always be patient, I wish you the best in your Martial arts :) and your projects