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Alwaysunder_thegun t1_jcx996r wrote

There are different types of stress too. This is the " difficulty and challenges" stress. Not, the " my child swallowed something they shouldn't have" stress. Or the " I have no money so I'm going to get evicted" stress.

I find a lot of these motivation/ health things are for when you only have surface problems


Use-Useful t1_jcyii69 wrote

That's fair. The research I am familiar with is about day traders who have a notoriously short life span due to cardiac problems from more or less constant gambling of huge sums of money.

Edit: I'm actually not convinced that their case is so dissimilar to your examples ... some people may view "I'm broke so I cant pay rent" as a moment of doom, and other may view it as a problem they need to figure out, a challenge to be met? I'm not sure, but it seems to me that the reality is irrelevant to the attitude involved, and that seems like it lines up with the research? I dont know, I am not saying this isnt toxic optimism in some ways, but the research I am familiar with still seems to apply.