Submitted by CrazyEvery3682 t3_11w2cck in GetMotivated

I am a college student and as of now I am in the worst condition I can ever imagine, I am missing my classes, I wake up late everyday, I miss Breakfast and lunch and only do Dinner in the entire day,

I go to the gym, but am not able to follow a strict plan, scroll dating apps all day, I smoke weed now almost everyday and then get hungry at night, order something to eat from a restraunt, get food poisoning or acne breakout the next day,

I wanted to start a side hustle and make some money, so I started researching, but now I have almost a 100 tabs in my pc and I just don't want to deal with them but also not close them, Idk why

I used to have confidence, I used to have a strict discipline routine, I used to meditate everyday and write a journal everday, but since I have started smoking weed daily, it's all going away.

I have lost my social skills, simple conversations are hard too deal with and my memory and brain power is just reducing, like I still want to do weed as it makes me creative and brings me peace of mind,

But it is also ruining my work life balance, I am not able to stick to a routine, I am losing social skills, I am losing all discipline and I am losing all focus.

What do I do?



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RocknRoald t1_jcw2nv2 wrote

Read your post and you got your answer


AhBurntYeti t1_jcw6qte wrote

Trust me friend, quit smoking weed and your life will improve.


SailorIthil t1_jcw71ij wrote

“I used to have confidence, I used to have a strict discipline routine, I used to meditate everyday and write a journal everday, but since I have started smoking weed daily, it's all going away.”

The best guidance I can give would be to stop smoking weed. Full stop. It’s a motivation killer, and it isn’t doing you any favors. I can guarantee that a schedule will be way easier to stick to if you just quit smoking.


hduwjsvjabfn t1_jcw9l2k wrote

This was me in college. You don’t realize how much getting baked everyday takes from you because it happens so gradually when you start. Quit and try to slowly start working out…give it a month and you’ll be surprised by the improvement. Also maybe delete the dating apps…pretty useless distraction from other shit that could actually improve your life ime.


Ksquaredata t1_jcwfdsy wrote

If your school has a clinic, you need to get there and ask for help.


tokixdoki t1_jcwkmga wrote

delete your apps, learn to put the phone away and life becomes so much better than being glued to a screen


Born_Window_5902 t1_jcwrguv wrote

happened to me in college. My roomate dropped out my senior year and i lived alone. That was when i really spiraled - which it sounds like you are now. Routines helps, and the devils grass don’t. But easier said than done. What helped me was getting a job and being around people. It forced me to get out of my own head and live life.


ehundred t1_jcwvlem wrote

Stop masturbating and getting High! That’s causing your laziness and unmotivated spirit!


ChiefEngineer03 t1_jcwyjup wrote

you have got to want it in life man, i’m in college also. but have a much better schedule. you need to stop smoking so much and go to bed earlier, u needa get breakfast also. if you don’t want it in life then it is much easier to just give up.


AgitatedAd1759 t1_jcxul9j wrote

This is definitely what I would recommend. I have also taken a medication called gabapentin which helped me quit smoking weed greatly. Being alone is your worst enemy in this situation. I still struggle after quitting several times and I usually start smoking when I'm isolated and overwhelmed. Feel free to DM me if you want some more personalized advice wouldn't mind helping.


Owlie_Feet t1_jd6eid2 wrote

Get checked for ADHD and do some research into the symptoms. people can say weed all they want but when I got medicated for ADHD it helped a lot, I didn’t need to stop smoking.