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Anti-Queen_Elle t1_jczbjb3 wrote

Do you have goals? Past trauma? A therapist?


k4b0odls t1_jczlriw wrote

My only long term goal is to self terminate after burying my parents. My therapist didn't bother to schedule another session because it was clear it wasn't working.


CapObviousHereToHelp t1_jczreyn wrote

Well its a goal.. not the best, but still.. be proud

Edit: And also, I hope you didnt mean terminate your parents


Anti-Queen_Elle t1_jczxp5m wrote

It sounds like you've already given up.


k4b0odls t1_jczya0p wrote

Getting there. At this point I think I'm waiting for everyone else to give up on me, so I can give up myself with less guilt.


Anti-Queen_Elle t1_jczyuj4 wrote

I don't think purpose is something that another can give you, it's something you yourself need to find.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Hopefully I've at least given you something to think about. It does get better, but to an extent, a lot of that falls on you to get help, find motivation, etc.