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iamCaptainDeadpool t1_jd2m665 wrote

Keep going were.



Walaags t1_jd2wl3u wrote

Wake up. Shower. Have Breakfast. Go to work. Work. Have lunch. More work. Get home. Prepare dinner. Have dinner. Time to myself. Brush my teeth. Go to sleep and repeat.


javaargusavetti t1_jd6g98j wrote

Wake up. Turn off alarm. Take a piss. Lay back down. Snuggle blanket. Rub face in pillow. Sleep an extra hour. Wake up. Roll over. Groan. Sleep 15 more minutes. Wake up. Throw off blanket. Get up. Piss again. Shower. Wear clothes. Coffee. Drive to coffee shop. More coffee. Drive to work. Sneak in back door so Lumberg doesn't see you. More coffee. Pretend to work. Coffee break. Meetings. Lunch. Coffee. Meetings. Email. Coffee. M&Ms. Goof off at the water cooler. Leave work. Grocery store. Buy coffee. Drive home. Cook dinner. Feed cat. Eat dinner. clean up. Scroll Reddit. Fall asleep on couch with the TV on.


stop_lying_good_god t1_jd342kb wrote

Damn. This hits.


bill_gannon t1_jd5psla wrote

If you're going through Hell. Keep going.

-Winston Churchill


DigimonTheMovie t1_jd5rhck wrote

Yeah, but should we REALLY be taking advice from a creep like Sam Levenson?


EndGuy555 t1_jd59oqc wrote

Middle manager moment


Madmorda t1_jd6aitb wrote

How am I supposed to know what the clock is doing if I'm not watching it? Instructions unclear.


Spider-Man3725 t1_jd6h6a4 wrote

Dude. This. I have no words. Just perfect.


irritatingapparatus8 t1_jd6o92b wrote

Don't worry about the folks that keep bugging and occupying your attention.


solthar t1_jd6sb7u wrote

Followed instructions to imitate clock.


Stuck going around in circles, always ending where I started from.


OptionalFTW t1_jd6trv6 wrote

mmm fuck that. I think i will watch the clock and wait for my shit job to be over so i can enjoy my life.


WanderingIncubus6992 t1_jd6ve95 wrote

TMW you build Big Ben and get that extra economy policy slot 👌
And yes, I totes read this in Sean Bean's voice.