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bpShum12 t1_jdfasre wrote

In the 90s, we used to wear oversized plastic pacifiers as necklaces that we won at arcades, but we were just dumb kids then and actually didn't care what people thought... oh, the good Ole days. But I get your point. However, not all humans are social creatures, I'm waay happier to stay in with a popcorn movie night with just my wife and my pets, and there definitely are people who just truly don't give a shit what other people think, I used to be one of them, then started to develop all this fun anxiety and depression, now I just prefer to avoid people all together.


Fancy_Female t1_jdfdpyd wrote

That's a fad... You kind of did it because others were doing it. You did it based on others and what they think.

I guess to illustrate my point farther, if you really don't care what people think, you also be rude. You could say the n word, and ruin all chances of ever being employed again. What people think impacts your employability. But that's not a problem, because you don't care what people think right? So you can tell your mom you hate her, even though you love her, because who cares what she thinks.

I mean, it's just ridiculous. "Don't care what others think" is impractical, but it's also impossible to implement. It's like when someone says "cheer up" - oh wow I never thought of that - I just WON'T be sad. Thanks !