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Fancy_Female t1_jdfdpyd wrote

That's a fad... You kind of did it because others were doing it. You did it based on others and what they think.

I guess to illustrate my point farther, if you really don't care what people think, you also be rude. You could say the n word, and ruin all chances of ever being employed again. What people think impacts your employability. But that's not a problem, because you don't care what people think right? So you can tell your mom you hate her, even though you love her, because who cares what she thinks.

I mean, it's just ridiculous. "Don't care what others think" is impractical, but it's also impossible to implement. It's like when someone says "cheer up" - oh wow I never thought of that - I just WON'T be sad. Thanks !