Submitted by lazybear90 t3_1201jfs in GetMotivated

As a fit person who goes to the gym 4-6 days a week, I can tell you I’ve never once judged someone for being overweight and I’ve never met anyone else that does. That’s what the gym is FOR! You’re where you are supposed to be, welcome!! Keep coming!!

If anything, I’m jealous of how much progress you can make if you can just stick with it. As someone who has been on this wagon for a long time, I can’t really see any new results so much as sustaining the results I’ve had for years now. You have an amazing opportunity to see positive results much faster than most people if you just keep showing up.

Show up, and just do what you feel you can do that day. Seriously, if you’re just starting, don’t pressure yourself to do more than that. But in time, if you keep showing up you’ll find what you can do gets greater and greater. You got this!



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thezendrummer t1_jdg491i wrote

The people in my gym would rather die than even make eye contact.


SikSiks t1_jdhcfxv wrote

Thats me. I put my headphones on and do my workout. I am there for myself I don’t care about what anybody else is doing.

Unless they don’t re-rack their weights, then I will judge.


IceSeveral5047 t1_jdhxf6k wrote

This is why I don’t like going to the gym. I love meeting new people and talking to people. It’s SO lonely going and not making eye contact especially while doing the dreaded cardio. A good conversation can make 45 minutes seem like 10. Otherwise 45 minutes seems like 3 hours.


thezendrummer t1_jdhxomt wrote

I can dig that. The people that do the classes in my gym seem like they're pretty close from what I can tell, but for me the gym is the opposite. I'm the director of an engineering team that oversees 25 employees and my Google Cal looks like a game of Tetris, so that one hour a day where I know with 99.99% certainty no one can bother me is absolutely sacred time between my 7 am - 9 pm day.


Minniechicco6 t1_jdk4cpu wrote

The gyms probably not going to do the social side of things for you . Everyone just does their own thing with their own thoughts . But maybe your gym has a coffee shop for a visit after the workout :)


IceSeveral5047 t1_jdk4peh wrote

A coffee shop, I wish! I live in one of the wealthiest zip codes in the U.S. and we have crap for gyms. It’s all boutique studios or 24 hour fitness. I can name a handful of high end gyms in the Portland metro area and not a single one here in San Diego.


BigRedRN t1_jdfbugj wrote

As an overweight person who goes to the gym 4x per week, those who are bigger than me inspire me to do more.


Cutterbuck t1_jdgr8p0 wrote

As a fit guy - the regular gym goers who are overweight and working on it inspire me. You are machines and your self discipline and grit are immense.


grandroute t1_jdftf7p wrote

A t a gym I went to, the overweight guy was also a powerlifter. He benched and squatted huge weight.


grandroute t1_jdft908 wrote

you get judged for goofing off, for hanging on the machines, for wearing full make up and jewelry, for yakking on your phone while sitting on a bench. Not for being out of shape.


mezz7778 t1_jdfvzd3 wrote

Yup.... I don't care where you are in your path towards a healthy lifestyle.. your working towards a better you....good job...and I do try and help people when I see them trying to figure out machines, or if they're doing something that could cause injuries

What bugs me...If you are sitting on a machine playing on your phone...

And a few guys today were working out right in front of the weight rack so no-one else was able to get weights...

Have some basic etiquette, other people are waiting for that machine.. there are tables in the lobby for you to play on your phone...I asked a guy how much longer he was going to be....he responded "10-15 minutes"....on the one machine... Look I'm here to work out...


MystaxMandible t1_jdfg0jp wrote

Gym/workout people love to help with form, advice etc. People make new friends when it comes to exercise. It almost can become a shared hobby to work out. People will support you and are generally kind and enthusiastic and encouraging. Don’t let the few jerks bring you down.


rwsully05 t1_jdfr9g1 wrote

The advise I like to give is heavy people Are going to the gym to lose weight. The skinny people are going to the gym to put weight on. Either way everyone is going through the same battle. Everyone starts somewhere.


bingybunny t1_jdhi6rw wrote

what can they say? you need to hit the gym? you're in the gym

E: Wow! Thanks kind stranger


-xButterscotchx- t1_jdg6h47 wrote

Great, another karma post about ‘being judged at the gym’.

Nobody gives a damn. Just wipe down the equipment after using it.

Grind on killer.


lazybear90 OP t1_jdgro8y wrote

So confused by these comments. Got one comment saying I’m gaslighting (and that definitely people DO judge at the gym). Got another guy saying I’m a hypocrite. Got you saying nobody gives a damn, and that I wrote this for karma.

I wrote this because I left the gym inspired by some of the folks I saw in there, and I was on Reddit and felt like writing something encouraging and nice. This is a “get motivated” subreddit after all, and I hoped I could motivate maybe one person that needed to hear this message. Clearly backfired lol


rawrac t1_jdk4228 wrote

As overused as this statement is, don’t let the haters get you down. There’s always at least 1 person who will make a negative remark about something you did with good intentions. In this case, I fully believe you did more good work than you’ll know 👊🏼


_No_Pain_No_Gain t1_jdgoe6q wrote

Oh Yeah! I am strongly certain of what you say and heard it before. Nobody judged me in the gym. Never saw anybody judging another. Only coaches guiding people.

I was unlucky enough to have a family member who is a gym shark to try to put me down. But he is very one in a million exception. And a test for my mental endurance and optimism. But I am still strongly sure and agreeing with your post.

In case someone asks how he tried to put me down, once I was eating my chicken steaks. I used to be a scarce eater and my family knew it. And the bastard asked me "it isn't typical for you to eat meat". I said, things change. He asked "Is it because you changed or someone gives you ideas? Most certainly the second." I asked him a counter question, "What's wrong with eating chicken?", He said "Nothing." That's how I shut his mouth.

Out of spite of the hardship I faced, I remain an optimistic believer and share your point.


mortonr2000 t1_jdhbega wrote

Thank you. Very well written


iamCaptainDeadpool t1_jdgmuak wrote

I went to the gym the other day, and I was surprised that people were very supportive until there was a hole on the floor. BTW just to tell you guys, I am not ugly. I am a ball of wool.



ares21 t1_jdgxqqu wrote

As another fit person at the gym, i don't even notice you if you're not in really good shape. Are there 2 overweight ppl at my gym, 0? 100? 1,000? Idk, I'm looking at my phone, the super fit ppl and possible exercises to do next. Oh and myself.


TheReal-Darthdoom t1_jdglp9k wrote

I can kinda see this, people who are more fit than you (in my experience) never judge you for your weight) it's always people you outwork, who aren't as fit as you, who aren't as strong as you that judge you which was also in my experience, with the somewhat exception of one person (he was stronger than me but I was more fit) came up to me, poked at my stomach and said "I thought you went to the gym, why you fat?" I snapped with "you should not be talking about fat"

Note: yes the comeback felt good but I'm actually against body shaming, I do my best not to body shame (even if I do it sometimes jokingly or not) because I also get body shamed and trust me, it's not a good feeling to have and I learned that it's numbing, destroys your confidence and such


TechIsATool t1_jdhq52y wrote

What about us underweight folks ( dare i say malnourished ) ? 🥲


Diomedian_Snake t1_jdkkizl wrote

Nododdy judges you, but some people judge you.


Electronic_Fee_8568 t1_jdnapn9 wrote

You have to be kidding right ?? Of course people are judging you ! Half the people there are there because of narcism. If they are constantly judging themselves they are judging you. We live in a world where we are judged form how many “likes” we have to who are friends are. The great thing is we have the opportunity to dismiss those thoughts as people and rise above those things. There are defiantly people that actually go there to be healthy and workout I mean I’m guessing lol. Have a beautiful day.


TheSquishyFishy t1_jdh9mov wrote

Overweight people get judged the instant someone sees them. Obviously no one vocalizes this anymore, but it's there. If you make responsible choices with your diet, you almost certainly won't be overweight. You don't even have to exercise. I wouldn't even go to the gym if I was massively overweight. I'd just cut my caloric intake in half for a month first


jmartiz23 t1_jdi0u6y wrote

You sound like a closeted critic, op.

What I’m trying to say is that every once in a while, it’s ok to say it to someone.

Say what you have to say


jhill515 t1_jdg92jf wrote

Yea, this isn't helpful. Frankly it's gaslighting: When I was a teenager, I started strength training because my father was ill and I needed to be able to pick him up. My first day at the YMCA gym, meat-heads were very obviously making fun of me. If it wasn't for the drive I had because I was doing it for family, I would have left and never went back.

Sure, they were shitty people. But knowing that doesn't motivate anyone who's feeling isolated and already discouraged. Think of it this way: If the worst can find fault in you, your mind will gladly do the gymnastics necessary to let you believe you're even worse than that.


Owlie_Feet t1_jdkcohp wrote

Yeah I surprisingly agree with this... some of these other comments are like “Nobody will judge you, don’t worry! Fat people inspire me!”

Sure they do, bro.

Plus speaking as someone who’s overweight and losing weight from dieting(17lbs down so far), I don’t want to be anyone’s inspiration or anyone’s laughing stock. Being fat and working out to get fit isn’t some glamorous feat. Mind your business(Not directed at you.)


jhill515 t1_jdkvuxo wrote

First, good job losing weight! I'm apt to celebrate a victory when I hear one!

And thank you for agreeing with me! Though the downvotes I got might indicate you're the minority. I've just never found "Ignore the Haters!" to be helpful advice, let alone motivating. How we perceive criticism isn't a conscious choice: It's the result of a lifetime of experiences.


cucumbersan t1_jdg95c6 wrote

Such a compassionate and not at all hypocritical perspective you have /s


lazybear90 OP t1_jdgrfce wrote

Can you explain why I’m hypocritical? Genuinely curious, as I truly thought I was writing something supportive and encouraging. Sorry if it sounds otherwise.


Front_Safety4374 t1_jdh83t4 wrote

there are those who need people to be against them. dont engage too much, as they aren't seeking mutual exploration on the topic, just reiterating that they feel alone. I hope the person who said u were hypocritical gets the healing they need


cucumbersan t1_jdhg2sw wrote

So wise, so insightful, so sure of herself. Big wow


lazybear90 OP t1_jdhoa7n wrote

Don’t let her speak for you, then. You could answer the question yourself.


cucumbersan t1_jdo6827 wrote

“If someone judges you for your weight then they are so much worse than the worst you could possibly think of yourself”

Sounds a bit harsh my dude. Have you not judged someone on the basis of something you later regretted? Did that make you the worst person imaginable?

It’s not about being better than people. Generally your comment is great and I was not very nice I should not have said that.

But I do think it’s a bit hypocritical mr understanding and compassion