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TechnicalOtaku t1_jdt7ufu wrote

what ? that makes absolutely no sense. and it seems like everyone in the comments agres, yet this post still get upvotes. Another proof the people that follow these motivational channels can't think for themselves, it's a cult almost. they just think "oh shit this is deep" it elevates them, thinking they can get far in life just because of commitment and buying these scam self help books. "how i made 10 million" yes... 9 million of those 10 were cause he sold books promising wealth to easily influenced people.


SuccessfulLoser- OP t1_jdua7no wrote

> "how i made 10 million" yes... 9 million of those 10 were cause he sold books promising wealth to easily influenced people.

Absolutely right. Preachy self-help book can make one gag and choke!