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sergius64 t1_jdsi3rj wrote

Can? Well, a Genius without a plan can also beat an Idiot with a Plan. So he didn't really say anything. Depends on the plan.


DontUseYouStatements t1_jds76gj wrote

Are we just going to pretend that stupid plans don't ruin people's lives or that the ability to improvise isn't one of the keys to success for many smart people? It's quotes like this one that demonstrate that rich people aren't brilliant sages full of deep wisdom. They're just rich.


gone_internal t1_jduuf47 wrote

Warren Buffett's credibility doesn't come from just being rich. He is known for his talent in growing wealth, and he gives some solid financial advice. This meme is just a witty statement annoyingly represented as advice.

I'll argue that no plan = stupid plan by default. Planning won't prevent a stupid plan, but it sure does reduce the chance of one.


SuccessfulLoser- OP t1_jduaa0i wrote

> It's quotes like this one that demonstrate that rich people aren't brilliant sages full of deep wisdom. They're just rich.

lol... They're just rich. and you and I aren't!


Ok-Seaworthiness7207 t1_jdsxpwq wrote

"A rich old dude can say anything and he will be quoted like he is God for no real reason"

  • Me.

kungpowgoat t1_jdtt3nm wrote

“Just borrow money from your parents” - some wealthy guy


pandolf86 t1_jdtrcth wrote

"everybody's gotta a plan until they got punched in the face" -Myke Tyson


Visitant45 t1_jds1fuv wrote

Good improvisation can outplay plans.


LupusDeusMagnus t1_jdt4swp wrote

I read that "an idiot with a plane" and I thought it was something to do with aeronautics.


Quit-Pretend t1_jdub0ja wrote

Given that the plan is actually good then yeah but then the plan was proposed by an idiot…


HennessyWings t1_jdul6pq wrote

So then what am I? I have no plan but I'm also an idiot


brandonlopez189 t1_jdvdvsk wrote

An idiot is someone that is born into wealth and spends their entire like making more and hoarding every penny. He drives the same car he had in 1955, eats McDonald’s 3x a week because they give it to him free and drinks Diet Coke because he owns the stock. He makes 700 mil per quarter on dividends doesn’t spend any of it. Some might say an idiot is someone that doesn’t know how to live.


Agent101g t1_jdx3aud wrote

This quote was proved so incredibly wrong in 2016

A rare miss for the sub if you ask me. It’s usually the most uplifting part of my day 😃


Erdehere t1_jdrndl2 wrote

Yes he is right about this and so many other things but there are exceptions to every rule. Some idiots with idiotic plans can create havoc.


gwgtgd t1_jdsshzv wrote

The idiots are winning.


TechnicalOtaku t1_jdt7ufu wrote

what ? that makes absolutely no sense. and it seems like everyone in the comments agres, yet this post still get upvotes. Another proof the people that follow these motivational channels can't think for themselves, it's a cult almost. they just think "oh shit this is deep" it elevates them, thinking they can get far in life just because of commitment and buying these scam self help books. "how i made 10 million" yes... 9 million of those 10 were cause he sold books promising wealth to easily influenced people.


SuccessfulLoser- OP t1_jdua7no wrote

> "how i made 10 million" yes... 9 million of those 10 were cause he sold books promising wealth to easily influenced people.

Absolutely right. Preachy self-help book can make one gag and choke!


BringBackBoshi t1_jdtk3yf wrote

Idiot with a plan rolled up in a metal tube 🤤 beats the genius over the head with it.

He wasn't wrong!


Visitant45 t1_jdtwcuo wrote

"Runnings not a plan. Runnings what you do when a plan fails"


aphrodisiactoez t1_jdu87v5 wrote

Tell that to me in fortnite

Nobuild main in build games winning solos against teams bc i have no fucking clue what i am doing so neither do they

I stg tripping playing fortnite sounds like a waste of time but if you enjoy the game i promise you it makes the other people seem slow as fuck


Ashpepsi t1_jdu8juw wrote

Translation: If you have a sound financial plan for your investments, these can be outperformed by someone who is just lucky. If you focus on this one idiot, you might think your plan was useless. However, for each lucky idiot without a plan, there are droves of unlucky idiots. Don't be discouraged or encouraged by one lucky idiot.


GRANITO t1_jdwt914 wrote

A rich kid with a grandfather who was in congress can become wildly rich and fool people into worshiping him. Yes, Warren Buffet is a nepo baby


dickshark420 t1_jdt6ujv wrote

That head is for the guillotine


ehossain t1_jdtq58y wrote

White guy can do anything.


Haploid-life t1_jdrbpa6 wrote

Can he please out plan Murdoch? Please?
