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headphonz t1_je2z64v wrote

I'm curious. I know several working musicians but none can actually live off what they make. Could you expand on what your making music actually entails and how you're able to make a living from it?


Annihilator4life t1_je3ibty wrote

I’m a graphic designer and I walked away from a corp career of 15 years in 2015 to go out on my own.

8 years later I’m still alive and kicking and I will NEVER work for anyone else ever again! I’ve made more money and worked less. That’s the big secret every CEO in America doesn’t want you to know. It’s wild. Take a leap. It’s hard work and scary but the easiest work you’ll ever do. Trust me. Bet on yourself every time.


Ticket_Pristine t1_je2q3t9 wrote

Congratulations and good luck with your music career!


soclydeza84 t1_je2ru4i wrote

Congratulations! Care to share your story? What do you do in music and how do you make it work? I've flirted with this idea many times before (also a musician)


Tasty-Window t1_je3n7nj wrote

Money how?


Coffee_Receptacle t1_je4iacm wrote

I normally don’t like to go through someone’s post history, but this story seems suspect. 5 months ago they were looking for a place to travel to “forget about their life” and now suddenly they have a thriving music career? Unlikely. People spend years building a career and never making any real money.


Old_Ad7385 t1_je3ltqh wrote

Good for you! It doesn't always work out for everyone, but thankfully, it did for you.


SpecificSuspicious16 t1_je3wy1j wrote

Love it! I've been trying to quite my job pursue my dream as well, and I admire your courage. However 6 months is too short to run into burnout, financial crisis, creativity wall, or all the real world problems. Please keep us updated by sharing your stories for the up coming few years!


AskWhatWhen t1_je3exev wrote

I love this. I'm on the other end of my journey now, having spent the last 15 years cultivating passion projects. It's fulfilling beyond measure, for sure. I was lucky enough to find the technical side of theater and have been able to help grow a small musical theatre company into one of the larger and more respected ones in my area. Now, as I re-enter corporate America, I salute you. Follow your dreams. Cultivate your passion. Remember those who help and encourage you along the way. It's not an easy journey, and it's a calling many won't understand. I wish you happiness, joy, and, above all, peace.


ninasyxx t1_je33tml wrote

congrats and good luck!


AnarchyonAsgard t1_je3kn2d wrote

I did the same but I didn’t quit my job, bills to pay and all that. Any advice for a fellow independent artist ? And I’d be more than happy to collaborate on music

I released my first music video and EP. Been having a hard time finding a place to perform live for the first time though sadly


Party-Writer9068 t1_je3nomx wrote

i m waiting to save bit for a year or two and then jump


g2tegsown t1_je4mpun wrote

I'm in this exact position right now and your words inspire me. thank you!


Real-Apartment-1130 t1_je5hm9q wrote

How are you making money? Or did you have enough saved to retire and make music? Where can we hear your stuff?


yioughta75 t1_je5sfz7 wrote

Yeah, I gotta get on that! I feel like I've been saying this for about 23 years! LOL!


SnackFuMaster t1_je6gonb wrote

ummm... thanks for the story, AI. :(