Submitted by HeftyAd2698 t3_125gv5c in GetMotivated

Hi I am 25 y/o in college doing my Masters Degree (taken me 2 years longer in total to graduate) and I feel like I wasted my life away.

Despite all the mess ups, I still have no desire to get going and that is what scares me. I wish I had a different life and lived as someone else.

Growing up I never had friends and was not allowed to mingle/go to parties and got bullied a lot for being a weirdo. And my early 20s I dealt with health issues and depression.

And now I feel full of regret and bitter. I know it sounds silly but I daydream about an adventurous life where I am fulfilling my dreams and travelling and famous influencer - because somehow that would make me happier.

I hate where my life is going... I can't seem to get out of the abyss...



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Svintiger t1_je45p2t wrote

Get a job? A master’s degree is certainly not required for most jobs.


gomidgo t1_je49a8y wrote

25 years is nothing... You wasted nothing... Start living now and do what majority people do. Get a job (in your favorite field), find a hobby and spend you money on it


Rolandsth t1_je4cvzb wrote

Well, definitely you can still build the kinda life you’ve always wanted, I think if you start now is not too late. All it take is investment whether on stock/crypto market or yourself..


BeatsMeByDre t1_je4fuyt wrote

Do whatever you want. I'm turning 45 soon and all I wanna do is podcast about a mobile trivia game I found two years ago. Don't let anyone tell you you fucked up. If you're alive you can change everything.


kinnyhoggins53 t1_je4onac wrote

Forget about people you went to school with and bullied you. They don't matter going forward. You are in control of your life, and I promise that you are ahead of alot of people your age. Self pity is the quicksand of the mind. Never quit pursuing happiness


HeftyAd2698 OP t1_je4q9e3 wrote

1000% agree.... " Self pity is the quicksand of the mind"... thanks for this... I really needed that... I was having a pity party this morning and really had to scold myself to stop it already... coz once it starts... it is never ending...


kinnyhoggins53 t1_je4s46f wrote

Do whatever it is you want to do relentlessly. If you quit, that's on you. If people fucking with you bothers you enough to make you quit, also on you. You seem like you're already in your own head (no offense) so just will yourself to do it buddy. My dad called it testicular fortitude lol. Best wishes going forward.


HeftyAd2698 OP t1_je50rqy wrote

I hope so... unfortunately I have been very unlucky in crypto... there do not seem to be very many authentic altcoins nowadays... nearly all scams... hopefully things get better leading up to the 2024 bull run.


GeneSpecialist3284 t1_je54pbu wrote

Daydreams are not, Ever, silly. They are your fuel. Life without having dreams to pursue is depressing. Dreams change throughout your life. I'm 63 and I'm pursuing a new dream of expatriating to Belize! While you Finish your Masters, think about how you can use it to pursue your dream. You could consult or do the digital nomad thing. Many potential expats are looking for a specialist to help them figure out how exactly to move overseas. Videos of your journeys and advice might be popular if you position yourself right. You got this!


aLittleRaider t1_je54xn5 wrote

The only zen you will find at the top of a mountain is the zen that you bring with you.


pineappleshnapps t1_je5et09 wrote

Hey, just wanted to say, I know at 25 it can feel like you’re not getting anywhere, I know I did. It took a while for me to figure out what I wanted to do, a lot of what i do/how I live could probably be described as non traditional.

I dropped out of college cause I didn’t know why I was there, I worked odd jobs and in random different fields, pursued some dreams, and found something that made me happy. It took a bit longer to get comfortable with it and feel like I was in a good spot.

Being an influencer is tough to make work, cause it basically depends on a lot of luck, and the right content. Think of things you enjoy, and maybe start taking pictures posting videos of those things, if that’s the route you want to take, but I’m curious why influencer? Not rock star, movie star, or just world traveler?


HeftyAd2698 OP t1_je5g29t wrote

Jeez what's with the stick up your arse... FYI my dreams have nothing to do with the degree... and no, "the IT field" or any respectable field requires a Master degree (at least where I live)... like I didn't look that up earlier🙄


HeftyAd2698 OP t1_je5gxzr wrote

I just kinda envy their life... I know it feels kinda shallow but I have always been obsessed with how they live... its not just about the money... its about the fun they have... their ability to monetize all of their personal life. They are not tied down by anything.

A rockstar/movie star?? Hmmm I am super untalented though and I hate having a management/record label that tells me how to act and who to be. Influencers really do have the best life tbh...

I feel like not having friends as a kid and not enjoying my teenage years have led me to crave the wild life those influencers have.


Svintiger t1_je5jib5 wrote

You have not written anything about job applications I can’t read your mind my dude.

You seem to be the unreasonable one here. I’m trying to say you have plenty of skills people are willing to pay for. There is also a thing called moving if opportunities comes up elsewhere. Maybe this will satisfy your call for adventure too.

I won’t respond further.


Boindil24 t1_je69iwz wrote

Trust me when I say they don’t have such a life, they only portray it on social media. By accident I got to know some influencers I followed online in real life and in 95% of the cases I did not want to swap with them and they were kinda boring. Make sth. out of your life that is free from societal expectations what is considered a “cool” life. And as some already mentioned you are 25 - chill ;-)


kallekul t1_je6cyyo wrote

You're doing great, friend. Your level of awareness is something to appreciate. You'll go as far as you can imagine yourself going! And along the way, as you do things YOUR way, living a life according to your terms and values, you'll find people who appreciate you.
You are under no obligation to be the same kind of person you were five minutes ago, and nobody can tell you who you are.