Submitted by Livebeam t3_125o7cc in GetMotivated

Hey everyone! Are you looking for some inspiration and motivation to improve your life? Here is a list of 10 self-improvement and life-changing movies to watch:

  1. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

  2. Rocky (1976)

  3. The Secret (2006)

  4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

  5. Dead Poets Society (1989)

  6. Freedom Writers (2007)

  7. The Imitation Game (2014)

  8. The Social Network (2010)

  9. Good Will Hunting (1997)

  10. A Beautiful Mind (2001)

These movies can teach you valuable life lessons, inspire you, and motivate you to achieve your goals. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy watching! Don't forget to share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments below.



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juniorp5 t1_je6ggrv wrote

I would add The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Inspires and motivates you to act not just dream.


CITYCATZCOUSIN t1_je50nx8 wrote

Thank you! You answered a question for me that I didn't realize I had!


K-Dave t1_je52m65 wrote

Good idea! And don't watch to many at a time. Also give smaller ones a chance. Often you're inspired, if you don't expect it.


Fit_Salamander_8972 t1_je5xhou wrote

Add Southpaw to this list. Such a great movie about a main character struggling and turning his life around.


love_myself_321 t1_je6jmqm wrote

The Secret?! That's really total non-sciency esoterical mumbo jumbo nonsence. Why include it with awsome feelgood movies?


Far-Ant3041 t1_je6ltmg wrote

Because i'ts Op's list not yours.


love_myself_321 t1_je6mqlj wrote

I didn't say it wasn't. Question was why is it included.


Far-Ant3041 t1_je6r3bm wrote

It's included just because Op likes the movie. Tha'ts it . Different people have different tastes.


love_myself_321 t1_je6xa4q wrote

And you still don't get it. The question was primary for OP to answer and the question was asked, because The Secret is not generally considered good motivational movie, but rather esoterical instant cook-up to make money from vulnerable people.


Far-Ant3041 t1_je6yh98 wrote

"The secret is not considered a good motivational movie" by whom? you ?

Is this like written in the stone?

It is a good motivational movie for Op. I know you don't get it, but it says it right there in the title.

Disrespecting OP's taste in movies. Just because it's a movie you don't like. I mean come on you are better that that.


love_myself_321 t1_je71e27 wrote

When I say GENERALLY, I mean generally, don't twist my words, you can look up meaning in dictionary. Because there is SEEMINGLY contradition between intended purpose of the OP's list and the including this movie, I asked why? Get it now?


Far-Ant3041 t1_je74cw3 wrote

I get it. OP is pouring his heart out with this list of movies , and you instead of being grateful he took the time and effort to make this list. You want to know why Op included a movie he likes on HIS OWN LIST. I mean Op is free to include any movie that according to him has help him.

.Or does he have to ask for your permission? Which movies should he include in HIS list?

There is no contradiction, Op likes the secret . And you dont know Op. I dont know him either but I respect his taste in movies. And I am grateful he took the time to make this list.


Far-Ant3041 t1_je76uov wrote

It's disrespectful to call Op some vulnerable people just because he likes " the secret"


Far-Ant3041 t1_je76r6g wrote

It' disrespectful to call Op just some vulnerable people.