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S1GNL t1_je5v98w wrote

Don’t tell me what to do.

walks out


AlBundysbathrobe t1_je7fewc wrote

Exit stage left; Escapes - proceeds to frantically avoid said confrontation by checking out Reddit (this is moi) for hours.


Angharrad t1_je6gjx1 wrote

Wonderful motivational advice, terrible Escape Room advice


gimmix_reddit t1_je7rq9k wrote

Why do the clapping remind of the ending of Evangelion


GirIsKing OP t1_je7w6de wrote

Because you have problems and need help


three-sense t1_je78gtl wrote

>Face your shit

Usually I just flush it


Pudding_Hero t1_je7cynf wrote

I want you to look your shit right in the eye and say “we will not go quietly into the night!”


ChilliPimp420 t1_je71ty6 wrote

Someone should fix the shit Photoshop on that cover


Takeyouonajourney9 t1_je8kj73 wrote

Lol there are also some things and people that don’t deserve your attention. It is not escaping it is a choice to have a life without bullshit!!


SenyorHefe t1_je7q97m wrote

Needed this... def puts a different perspective on my behavior lately..


fateandthefaithless t1_je8iy2h wrote

Any tips on how to start doing this?


GhanimaAtreides t1_je8n8dl wrote

Start small. Try to do one thing on your list a day. Set a timer for 30/10/5 minutes whatever you can handle and work towards it. Five minutes a day, one small task a day, is better than setting life changing goals but never working on them. So many people get caught up on all or nothing. Five minutes of cleaning your room is better than setting a goal of cleaning the whole thing but being too overwhelmed to start. A five minute walk is better than saying you’ll go to the gym four days a week and going never. Over time you can go from five to ten to an hour. It gets easier. If five minutes is too much, set the timer and see how far you get. Be kind to yourself if you don’t make it. Anything is better than zero, that’s still an accomplishment.

I’m recovering from cancer and it has destroyed me mentally and physically. Using a timer for five, ten minutes has been the only way I’ve been able to start getting back in track. Even if I can’t make it five minutes, I tried. But more often lately I can get to five minute, and then keep going. Start small.


QuanHitter t1_je8j9n1 wrote

Just fuckin\’ try to stop me\!


sushantt t1_je8ob7u wrote

What if, I’m a coward?


Fancy_Female t1_je7m6vg wrote

See that Tiger?

>Yeah. Should I run?

No, idiot. Face him and learn not to procrastinate cleaning your room... Good luck.


_vikkivixen t1_je8ukav wrote

This gives me 80s / 90s vibes


FreeThinkInk t1_je6jko3 wrote

They found the fastest thing on earth... Is a woman running from accountability....🏃🤷


EnbyEggie t1_jebwpbg wrote

Teehee women bad, amirite guys??? 😋🤭🤪😎🙈💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥


FreeThinkInk t1_jebywao wrote

Awe... And yet you don't have an argument refuting said facts. Adhominems aren't gonna help you here, buttercup 🤷