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IcarusKanye t1_je6sts8 wrote

Yeah, but sometimes a bad judgement can cost you so much that you will never recover enough to use whatever you learned.

Case in point, Richard Nixon from the picture. (I know it’s from Frost/Nixon movie, and that’s Frank Langella)


mikebaker1337 t1_je6ec4j wrote

Will Rogers said the phrase this is paraphrasing.

Good judgement comes from experience and a lot of that comes from poor judgement


vaguelyMatt t1_je6tikc wrote

You can mitigate the bad decisions by learning from those who came before you. That is why university education is so important.


wants_the_bad_touch t1_je8u1wp wrote

Not just University education, but observing those around you. I grew up in a high crime rate area, loads of people constantly making the sane mistakes now either dead or in prison, many say they need to make those bad decisions to gain wisdom. Learn from others.


Six_Kills t1_je7g3q2 wrote

This is exactly why we should never treat each other with contempt, scorn and punishment. People make wrong decisions all the time, some not so bad, some much worse. But at the end of the day, we all have the same capacity to make the wrong decisions. The more space we create for others (and ourselves) to learn from them and grow, the more we improve the world.


ohgodspidersno t1_je8fn1m wrote

This seems a bit Pollyanna-ish, unfortunately.

I agree with you, but it only applies to people acting in good faith. Some people are genuinely motivated by anti-social impulses or downright malevolence. Some people are just unreasonable.


No_Wafer3727 t1_je8gvdw wrote

Yeah, some people intentionally or apathetically make the wrong decisions


greywolf0678 t1_je8ecs3 wrote

My grandfather used to say, "An expert is someone that fucked up everything at least once, but managed to learn from it. A fool just fucks up." He was an eloquent man.


Own_Egg7122 t1_je8yqn5 wrote

This is what useless answers look like.