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ttystikk t1_je9f35g wrote

What does this even mean?


Xoduszero t1_je9n5tq wrote

Burn every other rung


Ailerath t1_jecepoh wrote

go up the ladder and pull it up and burn the entire ladder, youre out and have more to burn


nappycatt t1_je9ici6 wrote

I think it means don't do drugs, but I could be wrong.


patman_007 t1_jec6mxp wrote

I'm pretty sure the old saying goes, "If you're going to start a fire with a wooden ladder, be sure to climb out of the hole first."


The_Jealous_one t1_je9mnpw wrote

Rather than studying for an important exam you play games cause it’s more fun. That’s my interpretation.


Not_floridaman t1_jebclw1 wrote

When I was super broke after a huge illness, I was thinking of selling some jewelry that I loved (but not super valuable monetarily) for some cash and a relative told me not to because the money wouldn't last very long and then I also wouldn't have something that made happy so I'd be exactly where I was but worse. That's kinda what I thought this was getting at. Don't burn the rungs of the ladder to stay warm.


Mental_Tea_4084 t1_jebw0sw wrote

I don't think this is the artists intent but I see it as working that deadend job to feed and home yourself instead of studying for a better career.

Yeah cool I got this ladder, but I'm freezing and starving now.. So I can't climb the ladder till I get that part sorted out

Edit: to the guy that replied "eat out less" then deleted his comment. I wish I thought of that


J3ST3Rx t1_jeadhb3 wrote

Isn't it obvious? If you see a ladder, don't burn your opportunity to make a warm fire by going up it and leaving


ttystikk t1_jeaeify wrote

I'm going to admit to being blind and not seeing the ladder lol


Blackpapalink t1_jebnk0w wrote

Look towards the top of the 2 sticks and then follow them down. The fire is made from the steps of the ladder.


defk3000 t1_jeaz0z2 wrote

What if there are lions, tigers and bears at the top of that damn ladder and this is the only safe place. If they fall in the hole they are easier to kill and eat. Or climb your happy ass out the whole and get munched on. 😆


PatFluke t1_jec30m9 wrote

Pull it up and burn it at the top. Cake and eat it too!


RavenDMidnight t1_jeat8gz wrote

There are people that struggle with moving forward during hard times, because it's easier to do what they've been doing. People get comfortable where they are, because it's working for them.

I got comfortable at my job for 3 years, cause i had rent money, play money, and a good schedule. That job was taking too much out of me mentally, though. I didn't want to move away from it, cause the pay was comfy and i didn't know if I'd find something as good for as easy. I finally had enough and moved on and found something that i enjoy with same pay.

As someone else mentioned, playing games instead of studying is another thing, as someone may not feel the need to do outstanding in order to get something better in life.

Another example is playing games or watching shows, instead of going out more or exercising.

Basically it's the things that you are capable of doing and you tell yourself to do or desire to do, but you don't do them, because you don't know what happens next or how to go about it. You get complacent or as this is saying, comfortable.


ttystikk t1_jeay2qo wrote

This is solid commentary, worthy of deeper thought.

After a long period of wandering in the woods of depression, I've recently started climbing again. It isn't comfortable and it isn't easy but it IS a lot more fulfilling.


jedidoesit t1_jeaw4kb wrote

It means different things to different people. Whatever your vice is or your big temptation or wherever you lack impulse control, don't let those things get in the way of your goals or needs.

Someone said that discipline is when what you want most is more important than what you want now.

Something like that anyhow. 😎


ttystikk t1_jeaydgh wrote

>Someone said that discipline is when what you want most is more important than what you want now.

This is much better advice than the OP.


SandBoxKing t1_jebohym wrote

Except that's not discipline and will make people feel like shit when they fall short of their goals. Discipline is a muscle and takes work. Use whatever you need to motivate you but you aren't going to lift a car because that's "what you want most" lol.


Mobely t1_jea6yxv wrote

it's meant to be vague to mean different things to different people. like a horoscope.

But I'm upvoting for at least having original art and not just being a picture of the rock.


austuhnn t1_jecypy5 wrote

Do the things you don’t want to do instead of doing what’s easy. Opportunities are called risks in the present moment. In this scenario, climbing out of that hole might be risky bc it could be colder, but you might find a better shelter where it’s warmer. Instead, you wasted your opportunity by choosing to be comfortable where you’re at now with a small fire.

That’s my interpretation. Could be wrong tho


MagnaCamLaude t1_jeaz9sr wrote

Bring your phone with you so you don't have to use a fire to see a random, conveniently-placed ladder


lavahot t1_jeb1rz4 wrote

Freeze to death on the corporate ladder. You scum.


whilst t1_jec90r1 wrote

Don't ever stop working for an employer, citizen.


ttystikk t1_jeegvp0 wrote

Lol that's kind of the official narrative, isn't it?


subzero112001 t1_jed94zp wrote

It means that many actions have long term consequences that are more valuable than the short term consequences.


Smoking brings relaxation to some people in the short term but fucks them up in the long run.


Harkannin t1_jeehbn5 wrote

Don't worry about basic needs because they're waiting for you elsewhere; in the meantime freeze to death looking for better opportunities. Or you can use your only source of fuel for survival. Either way, people will be judgemental.


Kicooi t1_jeaz4uf wrote

I’m willing to bet the original author intended it to be something like “in order to get rich, sometimes you have to skip meals and sleep in the office”


ttystikk t1_jebpfp8 wrote

LOL and that's, you know, not exactly actionable advice...


greenrangerguy t1_jeat7gm wrote

It's some generic bullshit "motivational" post on the Internet that sounds super deep and profound but has no real world meaning.


ttystikk t1_jeaxptv wrote

Best response yet. I need actionable intelligence, not platitudes.