Submitted by Mustafaxvv t3_xuz0ak in GetMotivated

I’m sorry if this kind of post is not allowed.

I struggle to get myself doing anything useful, including studying for university, working on my own hobbies and interests because whenever i feel like getting started, im overwhelmed with thoughts about life being too short, life being meaningles, convincing myself that i shouldnt work for anything significant because I’ll die eventually and wont get to keep any of it.

( im not suicidal in any way, it’s the opposite actually, i wish i could live forever)

Have any of you experienced this before?



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ricardo9505 t1_iqyenmw wrote

See a therapist. Looks like it's becoming serious enough to affect your daily life. Worth it in the long run.


MoMaverick16 t1_iqyfzhh wrote

I can absolutely relate. There are days where I can barely summon the strength to roll out of bed let alone go to work to provide for myself and play the part of an upstanding citizen. But sometimes just doing the bare minimum to get by is more than enough. You can’t commit more energy into your life than what is available to you in the moment. A lot of times I’ve found that being hard on myself for feeling down and out having my feelings of futility brew into an existential crises is what really drains me to the point of wanting to give up. You’re not a failure for feeling powerless. You need to count even the smallest of efforts you make towards your life, social, professional, merely brushing your teeth and taking care of yourself, as personal victories. Not because they are great, but because of the great effort it took for you to carry them out. It will get better, with time and patience with yourself. Not everyone understands how strong you need to be to live with severe depression. But you can learn to live with it.


iamGilfoyle t1_ir5ioxp wrote

This!!! Also, always try to do your best. Your best will differ every day. Sometimes your best might mean getting out of bed and just showing up, and that’s fine. Just keep moving forward. I hope you feel better :)


enduring_student t1_irdk3fm wrote

>Not because they are great, but because of the great effort it took for you to carry them out.

Fuck yeah.


MidnightCereal t1_iqzja8a wrote

I read your post and I instantly related to that feeling. I have cancer. It’s stage 4. The only thing I can do is bide my time and hope the medicine I’m taking keeps it shut down. It won’t. I have 5 medicines I can go through until there are no more treatments. I’m on my second. There are only 3 more to go. Other, than a daily pill my life is completely normal. So, go to the store, go to work, come home I look like anyone else. I just have the weight that at any second I could be gone. Maybe a weeks notice. Maybe not.

I’m literally living your fear. I gotta say it’s not as bad as you think it’s going to be. I still learn new things, I still do new things. I still plan for the future (with in reason). I have to say though for a while it was very difficult to push myself to do anything that I didn’t want to do. Study for boards? Nah. Clean the house, nope. You have the idea. Life is precious and fleeting. Why would I spend one second doing something I don’t want to do?

Life when looked at from far enough out is meaningless. The only thing that gives my life meaning is my experience my perception. I probably won’t make a big impact on the human race. But I can make a huge positive impact on a few humans. And as my time runs out that’s what I try to do. Tomorrow is coming. I have no idea what it will contain, I want to reach it prepared to live.

And I echo something that’s already been said. Go to your university’s mental health clinic. Meaninglessness is a sign of depression, losing interest in things you used to enjoy is another. I know you’re not suicidal, but not everyone who is depressed is. Wouldn’t it be a bitch to find out that happy existence has always been just a pill a day away from where you are now? Wouldn’t it be a bigger bitch to never find out? Go see someone.


ForGiggles2222 t1_iqydxq0 wrote

I just stop thinking about it, really, I just go on about my day and that thought goes away before I know it


Dobie_Warrior t1_iqyuz3v wrote

You are at the point I was last year.
At 61 years old I saw my first therapist. I wish I had done it years sooner. I feel alive, and enjoy being myself again. I had days that I didn’t get out of bed. I wanted to quit life. Not suicidal, just quit. I didn’t want to do anything, made excuses not to go places. The therapy works, it is not always easy, but it is a safe place to say what you need to say. Depression is not going to go away until you learn to manage those days. You are not alone in this. To see a Rainbow, you have to turn your back to the Sun, and face the storm. 🙏🏻


shinfonykai t1_iqyijdl wrote

Go to a theraphist. I began to go 2 months ago. It's not easy, but it'll worth it.


FireflyArc t1_iqyt2qf wrote

I would see a therapist first and Formost.

Second. Yeah it all ends but it's hardly meaningless. The smile you gave to a random stranger might have made their day. You gotta live for things. The next sunrise. The next dog you pet. The new movies or shows coming out. The smile when you hug someone. Life is a deeply personal experience. A journey with good and bad all thrown in together. But that's what makes it exciting. Every day might be different. Bet if you try you cab find one thing at least different from today and Tomorrow. Doesn't have to be you just yet. Look around! The world is alive and breathing. You are a legacy of everyone that came before you and will have a legacy that will outlive you. Even if you haven't found or made it yet, there is still time. You have your whole life after all. But you have to keep pushing forward. One thing. If you don't like the way your life is going change something. No matter how small. It' could be turning a rock over. You got this :D


SupportMoist t1_iqzhp2o wrote

If you can’t help yourself or have no purpose, help others. Volunteer somewhere, help a charity, help an animal shelter. Doing good in the world will help give you purpose.

When I had cancer I felt real sorry for myself until I started talking to other cancer patients that were new to treatment. I helped so many people with their questions and just as support since I’d been through it, I was asked to work with the oncology social worker. It made me feel so much better, stronger, and it almost made me feel like what I went through had a purpose. At least if I had to go through such a hard time, I helped tons of people because of it.


KirbyDarkHole999 t1_iqz62ss wrote

I have... I have seen a therapist about motivation in school and it's better... But motivation in life was something else... One thing that gave me motivation in life is... Seems childish or something idk... But I fell in love... And until I tell her how I feel about her, I'm not allowed to let myself be depressed...


Choosey22 t1_iqzebm5 wrote

I was like this for years until economic forces kicked me in the ass and I realized I needed money to survive…

This happened when I took a year off from university to work, pay my own rent, and basically try out adult life. 10/10 would recommend.

I know how hard it can be to force yourself to do anything. If you’re not motivated by what you’re doing I recommend seeking out some adventurous life experiences like traveling, meditation retreat, working a seasonal job, volunteering, maybe trying shrooms. or moving somewhere new.

Existential dread sets in when you aren’t doing anything meaningful, or when you aren’t forced to work to survive, or don’t feel challenged. Or possibly when you are living for others instead of being true to your authentic self.

Yes life does seem futile when you consider how quickly it passes, but the other way to look at that is that every single moment is miraculously precious because no two moments ever repeat and your existence is completely sacred and unique unto the universe and it’s your existential obligation to milk every single day for what it’s worth and really make the most of it!

There are two choices in life.

Everything matters, or nothing matters.


Dial1800Mix-A-Lot t1_iqyz3dg wrote

I saw a therapist 30 years later than I should have. Don’t miss out on a big chunk of your life. Get help now.


ghostieeitsohg t1_iqzhdsc wrote

Yes i experienced it . I stay afloat by learning something new . I recently started to try to learn the basics exercise of drawing, it absorbs me completely even tho it's not my work haha but it's a good action to fuel myself.


Ismalock t1_iqzlvru wrote

Hi, sometimes I feel exactly the same. It that case I like to remember an advice from my father : (English is not my mother tongue so I will try to relate faithfully) « You don’t need to see the all path, if your eyes can see the next step that’s enough » It means to just focus and the next step and not the big picture. There is no need to worry about issue that will eventually come in the future, you will deal with it in times. I hope that helps you, it helps me a lot during dark times.


1Operator t1_iqzqplz wrote

This is what I sometimes try to remind myself...

The law of conservation of energy states:
energy can neither be created nor destroyed,
it can only be transformed or transferred.

The energy that gave us life was transferred to us from the many generations before us and the ways they channeled their energies into shaping the world around them during their lifetimes.

The energy we radiate into this universe echoes through eternity, from our interactions with others, from our creations, from our efforts, from our struggles, from our triumphs, & from our love.

We have limited lifespans, but we are part of an infinite flow of energy.
What we do with the energy available to us in our lives affects the well of energy around us & after us.
That's why what we do matters.


Mustafaxvv OP t1_ir0g9wp wrote

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on this post, it feels so good to know I’m not alone in this feeling.

I might take you up on the advice that i should seek therapy, i just hope that I don’t get prescribed any sorts of medication because I can’t see myself living like that, depending on a drug.

One comment that resonated with me the most was the one suggesting i should focus more on the next step rather than the big picture, i agree. I focus too much on the end, i should take a step back.

It’s so inspiring to see people here that are still going on so strongly despite having life threatening diseases, it makes me feel so ungrateful for my health and a little bit of brat. You guys are awesome, i hope i can be as strong as yall one day.


Invictus-121 t1_ir0r2dc wrote

One thought i have is that when I’m 80 and talking to my future grandkids that I can just tell them all the exciting and fulfilling stories and hope that the sense of adventure gets passed on. Death is inevitable but my experience of life can be passed on for a few generations at least and live on in their memories. That’s helped me a lot with motivation to better myself. Not so much to be the best me cause I’ll never reach that perfection I’m trying to attain but that journey will be worth telling my future generations. And it doesn’t even have to be my future family but anyone I’m in contact with. I do my best everyday and the fact that I’m trying to reach my goals has inspired friends and family as well to reach there’s. It is very fulfilling to see someone reach a goal and tell you it’s because they saw you working so hard and it inspired them.


THEHOLYOTAKUGAMER t1_ir160un wrote

I'm 22 and just finished high school. I just started for a job and help around the house but besides that nothing much.

I also ask myself that question every time. I just have found no meaning for my existence and probably never will.


I used to watch off brand anime, but it's not enough to inspire my imagination no more.

So starting two weeks ago i decided and am now practicing and learning how to draw, to one day, be it two months or two years from now, draw my own off brand anime. To draw people I see clothed, naked. To draw animations and comics. To draw cars and giant robots because why not.

I'm gonna die someday, it can be next week or next decade or decades from now, but I'll play the cards I'm given in the present and move forward.

It still feels like walking in the dark, but I'm entertained enough...Meh.....


GamerGrl90 t1_ir1i5e3 wrote

Some people find their passions in life sooner than others. You need to taste more shyyyt to find out what you like.


massafakka t1_ir8hpzj wrote

"If you see a child cold and hungry on the street. Lost its parents. You don't think "oh well it doesn't matter, he's going to die one day anyway. You help them"

The timeframe you use to analyse your life is important. You can't zoom out too far.


JesterRaiin t1_ir1jz0g wrote

Don't think about the end. It's all about the road to it, no matter how short it might be.