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Choosey22 t1_iqzebm5 wrote

I was like this for years until economic forces kicked me in the ass and I realized I needed money to survive…

This happened when I took a year off from university to work, pay my own rent, and basically try out adult life. 10/10 would recommend.

I know how hard it can be to force yourself to do anything. If you’re not motivated by what you’re doing I recommend seeking out some adventurous life experiences like traveling, meditation retreat, working a seasonal job, volunteering, maybe trying shrooms. or moving somewhere new.

Existential dread sets in when you aren’t doing anything meaningful, or when you aren’t forced to work to survive, or don’t feel challenged. Or possibly when you are living for others instead of being true to your authentic self.

Yes life does seem futile when you consider how quickly it passes, but the other way to look at that is that every single moment is miraculously precious because no two moments ever repeat and your existence is completely sacred and unique unto the universe and it’s your existential obligation to milk every single day for what it’s worth and really make the most of it!

There are two choices in life.

Everything matters, or nothing matters.