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Invictus-121 t1_ir0r2dc wrote

One thought i have is that when I’m 80 and talking to my future grandkids that I can just tell them all the exciting and fulfilling stories and hope that the sense of adventure gets passed on. Death is inevitable but my experience of life can be passed on for a few generations at least and live on in their memories. That’s helped me a lot with motivation to better myself. Not so much to be the best me cause I’ll never reach that perfection I’m trying to attain but that journey will be worth telling my future generations. And it doesn’t even have to be my future family but anyone I’m in contact with. I do my best everyday and the fact that I’m trying to reach my goals has inspired friends and family as well to reach there’s. It is very fulfilling to see someone reach a goal and tell you it’s because they saw you working so hard and it inspired them.