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[deleted] t1_ir1kzjq wrote


deadalready6 t1_ir1mbun wrote

Did Tony piss in your cereals or something?


FauxGw2 t1_ir1meoh wrote

Wtf is wrong with you. Dude fell like 20ft, no matter how professional you are at things you will still make mistakes, he broke his leg from a fall not from being old, he had a mistake because he is human not because he is washed up. I bet you don't even come close to his skill level for anything you do in your life. Instead of trying to bring him down maybe you should work at bringing yourself up.


night_man4 t1_ir2asg2 wrote

To be more specific he can’t be washed up because he hasn’t competed in a long time. If he were still trying to compete and falling short i would consider him washed up. But i just consider him retired.


Icantblametheshame t1_ir328sh wrote

He just did a 720 in a documentary like 2 years ago which considering he was pushing 50 something is absolutely amazing.


Hopeful-Sir-2018 t1_ir1ns6g wrote

> he broke his leg from a fall not from being old,

I hate to ahem break it to you.. (hah) but as you get older things like this happen more and more often.

Tony is 54 years old. The body just can't handle what it did in its 20's.

That being said 20 ft is no joke to fall on, regardless of age. But his age certainly hurt him.

Although I will say the person you were responding to does seem bitter and dramatic and all I'm talking about is how age absolutely is not in his favor.


edit: Wow, apparently people think mid 50's is just as healthy as in your 20's. Oh boy.

edit 2: Oh wow, y'all really do think 50 is the new 20 sincerely and deeply. O_O


bubba4114 t1_ir20n31 wrote

Break your femur and do a kick flip. Let’s see if you do it faster.


bakinpants t1_ir2co8y wrote

People think that you're an idiot, not that 50 is the same as 20.


cippopotomas t1_ir21dbm wrote

It's so weird to me when people do a downvote edit at like -10. Does the approval of a handful of strangers mean that much to you?


Bkwrzdub t1_ir2tbds wrote

Theres loads of skaters still skating past 50...

Steve caballero, Steve alba, Steve olson.....

Gunna change my name to Steve.... Brb


ScattyWilliam t1_ir37r41 wrote

It’s Reddit and a suggested sub, you can’t talk real talk in these places lol


eugonis t1_ir1pzq9 wrote

You okay bud? Seems like something's bothering you.


UF8FF t1_ir1p2z4 wrote

This dude can't do 1 mil combos in THPS.


[deleted] t1_ir1nvvj wrote



[deleted] t1_ir1qize wrote



Privatdozent t1_ir2cbox wrote

You're shoehorning this reality check into the conversation. Nobody here has demonstrated the inability to realize 54 year olds are less physically capable than 20 year olds.

You're grumbling into the void and the only realistic human explanation is that you crave a sense that people know you're not a fool.


night_man4 t1_ir2bj2m wrote

Bro he retired in 2003. He hasn’t competed in 2 decades. Probably longer than you’ve been alive. How is he washed up if he’s not competing?


Icantblametheshame t1_ir32heg wrote

He probably is washed up though. I haven't showered in a week so I'm not washed up