Submitted by DuckChase624 t3_xv4drb in GetMotivated

This is the lowest I’ve ever felt in my life and it’s because I’m worked like a damn dog. 50 hours a week at my restaurant, going to school full time in my senior year, and less than two months until my 40 page senior thesis is due - haven’t even started because i don’t have time. I make more money now than I would as a teacher, and all I do is work. I feel so beat down and broken but i can’t afford to work less. All I want to do is just give up and run away. I’m so tired and it feels so unfair my friends and family are out there living their lives while I’m wasting away in busy work because everyone thinks I have nothing to do all day. How do I get through it?



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MuchoGrandeRandy t1_iqz55e2 wrote

It is where you are Now Without a degree, not where you Will be with one.

Try to keep the big picture in mind and tell your boss you will be cutting back to 30 hrs per week in order to spend an extra 20 working on your thesis.

Your life is a series of choices you make.

NOBODY will ever make decisions in your best interest, that is Your job.


mobofblackswans t1_iqzigus wrote

Work will always be there. Thesis won't. Talk to boss and thesis supervisor. Tell them exactly what's going on and that you need support for the next [x] weeks. Ask for an extension of deadline. Work less hours and cut living costs for 2-3 months. You have more agency than you think you do. Steel yourself and make the calls / send the emails. I get you're absolutely tired but this can literally all be over by Xmas (or jan, with extension) if you ask for help now


NeofelisNight t1_iqz3sag wrote

I quit school 2 separate times for a year each time because I was working 3 jobs. but honestly wish I didn't. It saved me mentally, but if you made it this far... I gotta say, power through, It sucks so much, but once you finish, no one can take that away from you.


DuckChase624 OP t1_iqz47ya wrote

That's what everyone tells me, I just don't have the will power or the ability to just push through and finish. I feel so defeated.


NeofelisNight t1_iqz5jgc wrote

Well, As a stranger on the internet, and as my grandpa used to say - I guess you're gonna have to know about that.

But you HAVE made it this far, what's a little further? fuck it, it doesn't magically get better after. 40 page thesis? I used to think that was awful, now I write 100+ page reports to meet some companies deadlines. But make good money doing it. better than what I made at any restaurant. Just saying, perspective over time changes. Right now sucks for you, but if you quit, it was all for nothing.


vegaspimp22 t1_isi9dpe wrote

Stop working so much. Take out a small loan if you have too. Just to pay for bills while doing thesis. Thank me later. (And I’m not talking huge loans. Small. Manageable. Enough to pay bills a month)


SupportMoist t1_iqzhxl0 wrote

I’m so sorry that sounds terrible. I’d tell you to scale it back, if you can’t with work, then with school, but it seems like you’re really close to the finish line. If it is too much, there is no shame in going part time and graduating later.

That said, to stay motivated, visualize your future. Visualize your career. Picture who you want to be next year, in 5 years, in 10 years. I guarantee that person finished their degree and you’re so close. When you don’t want to push forward, remember that future you. You can do this!


Wemi451 t1_iqz4yya wrote

You can do anything for 2 months. I'm telling you it'll be over before you know it


FandomMenace t1_iqz89dw wrote

Maybe you need perspective. Work hard when you're young and before the doors start slamming shut in your face. Take advantage of the opportunities you have that others do not. The hard part for you has an ending. All you have to do is keep your goals small and attainable and keep doing them. There are people who would practically kill for your situation. Know that.


ChefDSnyder t1_ir3efuv wrote

Did you do it last week? Did you do it last month? Did you do it the last two months? You did, you absolutely know that you CAN do this. As far your thesis goes commit to writing one page a day starting now. Whatever other “obligations” you have you can drop for 2 months and it’s not going to impact your life in a permanent way.

If you have a SO they’ll understand and support you, if they don’t they’re probably not someone you should be with. If you have friends or family they’re gonna have to miss you for a minute. Tell your boss to cut your hours back. If they’re scheduling 50 hours a week they probably can’t afford to lose your labor entirely and they’ll understand if you tell them why.

You are so close, just keep going.


squiggly-lime t1_iqz6vnm wrote

If you do decide to quit school, go for your GED test. You can do all of the same things as having a high school diploma. Talk to a counselor at the school you go to about options and good luck out there!


biloukou t1_ir0a4kh wrote

40 pages seems dautning in your position, but it's not so much actually. Chunk it down. If this is possible in your field, lay out the structure, write down the names of the paragraphs (even you remove them later) and then just tell yourself "ok, I think today I can do 10 minutes, I'll fill up one paragraph". In very small dosis it can work better. Who knows, maybe on that day you'll actually do two paragraphs! And like other said - don't quit now, you're soooo near the end, you can power through it! If you combine all tips - ask for a few hours less + power through + chunk the thesis - I'm certain you'll manage! Wishing you the best of luck.


Crimsontigeress t1_ir1gaq9 wrote

I would cut back on some work hours if you can to work on your thesis. You seem burnout and finishing your degree is important. I worked three jobs and was doing homework on my breaks to get my masters but I never gave up because I knew someday I wouldn’t be working there anymore and could get a nice comfy office job. Nice comfy wfh office job for me. Is it perfect no but I’m thankful for the degree that o have that gave me the opportunity.

Start working on your thesis just do a page at a time so you are not overwhelmed.


iamGilfoyle t1_ir5uqgu wrote

You're going to pay a price for every bloody thing you do and everything you don't do. You don't get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you're going to take. That's it. You need that purpose for moving forward and it has to be the sort of purpose that justifies all the suffering.


enduring_student t1_irdjz2e wrote

Motivation and support part of comment:

You do this one step at a time, one decision at a time, one breath at a time. Acknowledge that it's hard and unfair. Acknowledge that you're burnt out. Then keep going. Goals often look farthest away when they're just out of reach. Keep reaching, because while there are no guarantees you will get there, it's one of the only things that will improve your odds.

Practical advice part of comment:

It seems to me that one of the cruxes of your difficulties is you need the money. Is there a way you can cut back on expenses, at least for the next month or two, so you can cut back on work and finish your pressing goal of writing your thesis and studying for graduation? Can your school help with, say, meals or utilities? Or do they have an emergency fund, or guidance services that can help you find other resources? Can you explain the situation to your landlord and get a delay on paying rent - if they say yes be SURE to get it in writing? Can a friend loan you a couple hundred bucks? What are you eating, can you eat more simply? Just find a way to carve at least 50 hours out to finish your thesis.