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ddd615 t1_ir1epkg wrote

I think a big part of it is abuse in one form or another. Many of us have been told from a young age that we are not good enough. I think a big part of staying motivated and mentally healthy is having a supportive or at least healthy work/family/and social environment.

Some get stuck in a cycle of always having to "pull them selves up by the boot straps"... but it's for life. If our childhood families don't demonstrate healthy socialization, if we become a favorite person for ridicule in young social settings... overcoming that and building healthy relationships can be very difficult later in life. So some of these people are more isolated and having to go through life mostly alone while also dealing with the additional burdens of not being able to laugh off bullies or say no when we really should.


TreatThompson OP t1_ir1fssl wrote

I think you make an extremely important point

A lot of hardship early on can beat down on our confidence too hard and so we never feel comfortable enough with the vulnerability that comes with expressing yourself

Thanks for that