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HealthyTough9972 t1_irbhky8 wrote

Why can't we just live ? Always achieve this and that.


ProtopetPhantom t1_irbscg5 wrote

It’s part of living, otherwise you’re just surviving.


TreatThompson OP t1_irc6rcz wrote

I’m right there with you

Achieving/reaching for things/having a purpose/having meaning is the magic of life for me

If I was just wandering around not trying to pursue anything I’d be more anxious


ProtopetPhantom t1_irc8zfs wrote

Yep I’ve noticed in my life when I don’t have goals I tend to just plateau. Obviously you want to avoid burnout but people should always challenge themselves and try to be a better person than they were the day before.


shockingdevelopment t1_ird6ndj wrote

I find that if you have a goal, you might not reach it. But with no ambition in life, you are never disappointed. I've followed this rule for nearly 40 years, and am in constant mental and physical agony!


HealthyTough9972 t1_irbyfie wrote

I get that. But this overachievement and over productive society is what leads so many people to mental health problems. How many people have depression because their parents put a lot of pressure in how much money they should be making or how many degrees they should have. Overall, it is everyone trying to be more and having more than everyone. If someone just want to enjoy being alive and priorities their freedom/time instead of work/studies they are labelled as "lazy" or incompetent.


ProtopetPhantom t1_irc1y2h wrote

We’re not talking about that. Make your own goals. Have you’re own aspirations. That’s a whole new topic to what you’re referring to.