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RealDrag t1_irztbl5 wrote

For some reason I always wanted to learn martial arts. I always thought it would make me feel stronger.


OrbitingPsychonaut t1_is15qtl wrote

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and martial arts changed my life. Do it. Seriously, it has sooo many benefits.


sabretoooth t1_is24q2h wrote

You won't just feel stronger, but more confident and generally happier. As long as you find a good gym with genuine trainers, and not a McDojo or a gym full of bullies, it will help you grow as a person, no matter your age or how fit you are.

There's frustration starting out where you can't do anything, but when you get to grips with your first two or three moves the satisfaction is huge, and it's an addicting feeling. There's quite nothing like practicing or sparring with a partner to get you out of your head and truly living in the moment.

Having a class to go to just once a week will do wonders. You'll feel incredibly sore the next day and think to yourself never again, but in a few days you won't be able to wait until the next session.