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MangoCrisis t1_is2akzp wrote

It's kinda like jumping in a hot tub. If you know nothing about a hobby and just sign up for classes it's going to feel like it burns. It helps to dip your toes in. Take a boot camp at a gym thats for beginners maybe read about the martial art you are interested in. So then atleast you have a rudementry idea of what's going to happen in class. We are all just robots with life times of conditioning. Even though we are past that age where everything comes easy you can learn. Humans are amazing, we are all capable of more then we think.


[deleted] t1_is2bzyy wrote



Ash_Divine t1_is3uyjl wrote

There are online classes for it if you so wish. You can do workouts from the comfort of your home. The trainers help you via video call.

If nothing else helps, then just count calories and walk every day. Just walk for an hour straight, doesn't matter how fast or how slow. At your current weight you'll just lose a lot of it by walking and watching what you eat.