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curiouscuriel t1_irzsf06 wrote

I agree with doing more out of the house. Perhaps you could bike or walk to and from work and that would help improve your physical health. Maybe too if you are unable to get out of the YouTube scroll rabbit hole, start doing some research there about mental health, particularly as it pertains to trauma and how that affects how the brain functions. It's hard to say what it is that causes your parents to behave the way they do, but doing some research into these might give you some insight into their behaviors as well as your own. It sounds like everyone in the house is suffering from depression at the very least. It's possible that your parents are not able to admit that they need help. Maybe they can't afford mental health care.

One thing you have going for you is that you are willing to admit that there is a problem, which is the first step toward finding a solution, at least for your own sake.

As far as your mom goes, the best way to deal with her is to not allow her bold opinions to allow you to become angry. Don't let her bait you. You can't control what she thinks or says, but you can control how you allow it to make you feel. Take ownership of your emotions and do not allow someone else to "make" you feel some kind of way. Ultimately you get to choose, by just letting it go.

There are endless resources on YouTube about mindfulness and self-control. In fact, self-control is the only control we actually have. We don't pick what happens to us but we do choose how to respond. Your parents might be assholes but you can choose to learn from their anti-example. Let not wanting to be like them become your motivation.

Good luck young person!