Submitted by Sjeefr t3_y32cv2 in GetMotivated

One quote that has always stuck in my head is

>If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?

However, I just read / listened to it again and I was wondering how that motivational quote stays up if you have to include your job as your daily activity. I love the work that I do and I really enjoy the company where I work. However, if I were to die tomorrow, I don't want to be doing that. Yet, assuming I won't die tomorrow, I will probably work to earn money, so I can enjoy the things I want to do, besides my job, because I have that money.

I might take the quote too literal, so I was wondering how you interpret it.



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sockontherun t1_is7btcr wrote

I think the best way to relate to this is in the context of your day-2-day is what can you do that would make leaving this earth the next day a little easier. I don’t think it’s feasible to live everyday like your last but what CAN you do, no matter how small, that brings value to your life or others each day. A small gift to someone you love or know on your way back home from work. A positive uplifting text to a friend or family member letting them know you’re thinking about them. A donation to a charity that hits home or to a local shelter. Sometimes it’s just the small things that make each day better and help remind you that you have control over your life. As a bonus, these small acts of kindness or random conversations can lead to outcomes you’d never expect.


oliverc8876 t1_is6t29h wrote

I don’t think it makes sense to think like that. Part of what you do today is preparation for tomorrow and thats a good thing. I’m working today so that in two weeks I can get paid and continue to buy food and shelter. If I knew I was dying at 5PM today Id probably get hammered drunk with my closest friends and family and celebrate. Would I do that on a normal Thursday? No, because I would feel like shit the next day.


skatesforcandy t1_is92had wrote

If you wanna live like today is your last day don't be surprised if next week fucking sucks.


cut_throat_capybara t1_is848n2 wrote

I think this is more to do with habits, things you know you shouldn’t be doing, or things you’re doing when you could be doing something more productive. Basically, study instead of play video games, read instead of watch tv, get off the couch and go outside, etc


MahalSpirit t1_isavir4 wrote

I have a love hate relationship with my job so no I would not go to work. I would tell my spouse to hop on the plane we're going home (to my family). As someone said below I can't do that everyday, lol.


[deleted] t1_ise4jmx wrote

Does it make sense to go for work ? Does is make sense to study for an upcoming exam ? Does it make sense to clean your house ?

No, obviously not. Last day on earth means hedonism. All the things above are long term goals, not immediate. On the last day you want immediate results.