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ApplesCryAtNight t1_iscvudi wrote

Today I climbed a really really tall hill with a castle on top. My health app says 120 flights of stairs.

Buuuut I didn’t reach the tippy tippy top of the castle. The walls of the castle were low, and there was no railing, and it was kinda windy, and my knees were shaking, and my ankles were banged up from a fall the other day, but I could have kept going, truth was my knees were shaking cause I got a fear of heights.

So I sat down at about the 90% mark.

And I climbed back down to more flat ground. And I sat there feeling like 3 quarters of a coward.

After about 30 minutes of thinking, and my friends telling me they are about to leave, I decided, screw it, I’m going up the exit path, which was more green and rocky, rather than the stairs of the castle. I looked down the entire time, never up from the rocks.

I made it to the 99 percent mark. I couldn’t go a step further. My knees shook so hard that I was crab walking. I put my phone over the highest part of the wall, took a pic, cause I couldn’t look over with my own eyes and I scooted all the way down.

Know what? I feel DAMN good about myself. I don’t give a quarter of a rats ass that I didn’t 100% this thing. I did something I call hard. My knees hurt, so my body tells me it was hard. And I didn’t do the hardest thing but damn did I do a HARD thing, and I gave it all of my moral fiber, I think. And that’s the challenge I wanted to accomplish, more than the tippy top of the hill.