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Gdroku t1_isbqwep wrote

"Rotlaus tre fel" (Rootless tree falls)

Norse proverb


LegalComplaint t1_isbufst wrote

Am I motivated or sad I have less friends…?


Syhkane t1_isc310t wrote

Not everyone succeeds with more effort.


Inigogoboots t1_isc52os wrote

Look Imma be real honest with you folks here, It's a nice message on the surface... But in the plant world, the flowering flower is absolutely killing it! Passing on its genes way faster, just smashing it outta the park!


verguenzapato t1_isc5ye6 wrote

I’m that little guy on the right. Feels good to know that while my progress might not be visible to everyone, for the first time I know that if I make progress in the future, I’ll have systems in place to support it far into the future.


SashKhe t1_iscehg7 wrote

I'm like the flower on the right!

Except my roots are like the flower on the left. Everybody is different!


Eupion t1_isciyki wrote

That’s just like my garden!!! The carrots and radishes with huge leafy tops and no roots; while my greens are all roots and stem, but tiny leaves.


erbr t1_iscrbur wrote

Shower vs grower!


SlackerAccount t1_isd39w8 wrote

Has Dodge Challenger

Lives in the hood


Drives a civic

600k savings and IRA


be54-7e5b5cb25a12 t1_ise0p2u wrote

This is nice and all, but i wish people were though that most people will never excels in life and that there is nothing wrong with that. Excelling is the exception and is just as much based on luck as dedication.


joetheshow55 t1_ise1hdd wrote

never assume in life... dont think that carrot big because carrot big leaf because small leaf carrot big not leaf big size 😊


Alexstarfire t1_ise1hpg wrote

Social media on the left, IRL on the right.


Bitter-Ad8728 t1_isn6fxl wrote

Whoa, that’s a good one, heard the Spanish proverb that says, if you can’t live longer, live deeper. Didn’t get that proverb but that’s a perfect fit for this diagram.

For me, I dislike any type of proverb or saying that talks about digging, I don’t want to go down, down is the grave, down is the pits, down is a hole, I want to climb, this is why I love the quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger which says you can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets, don’t be afraid to fall, since how far can you fall, there’s the ground. Another grey one I keep is, Roosevelt, who said, when you feel that you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. That is my favorite, because I can than tie another knot and pull my self up, and another knot and pull my self closer and closer until I climb out. Higher and higher, until I’m where I wanna be.

My mountain, my climb.