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thaddeus423 t1_isj0hv5 wrote

There’s a certain safety and comfort in misery and unhappiness. You don’t really have anything to lose other than this low, so you don’t risk anything because why would you?

Happiness is a risk you have to take every day, since there’s a chance it doesn’t work out, whatever the occasion.

But humanity is here to connect and share and community, which is why we find these experiences so fulfilling.

So, I know it’s terrifying and alienating, but it’s hard work and a bit of a risk and a lot of fear of the unknown to try and be happy every day.

I can assure you it is most definitely worth it. You won’t ever grow if you don’t step out of your comfort zone.

You’re doing well, friend. Knowing is half the battle. Being aware of your mind and how it works and responds is how you learn more going forward.

I really do think you’ve got this. Keep putting in the work.