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mcarterphoto t1_ispp49u wrote

Never heard of this guy, the comments are pretty funny!

But I agree with the dude. Discipline can be hard if you're not crazy about the tasks ahead.

A big key to being disciplined is to remind yourself that much of the work that requires discipline is work that will pay off, make you level-up, get you closer to your goals or dreams.

A big thing I've learned is to "be nice to your future self". Don't wanna iron a shirt vs. watching netflix, then you get up the next morning for a meeting or whatever and you now have to iron the damn shirt, and ten other things? And you're picturing yourself last night and thinking "you lazy bastard!!!" Do things now that will make your future self like your now-self, do things that are hard but you'll look back and be glad/proud you did them. It's a big part of growing a positive self-image and a belief you can achieve things. Identify behaviors that reinforce a bad self-image or even cause self-loathing, and try to chip away at them.


Scandroid99 OP t1_isppxe3 wrote

Yea the comments are hilarious lol. I seen someone say somethin about “luck” and wit that mindset I’m sure he/she aren’t where they wanna be in life.

I def agree wit ur statement tho 💪


mcarterphoto t1_isrcub8 wrote

Hey, I've had some "luck" - not like a trust find (when my mother passed I inherited like $1800, woo hoo!!!!). But my shitshow childhood did instill in me some kind of love of creating things; and I worked like a freakin' dog to find a way to make a living with it. Hell, if you have four limbs and two eyes and are ambulatory, a blind guy in a wheelchair is gonna think you're one lucky bastard, right?