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brandybooboo19 t1_isucosr wrote

I hear you man, I graduated college almost a decade ago and can't seem to get a job in the field I went for. Last year I decided to say screw it I'm gonna get my masters, it can't hurt right? I'm mid getting my self into more school debt and just hoping that I get somewhere this time, but gotta keep moving forward.

For me the sub occasionally hits hard, for some reason this post is one of those times, and I've been listening to Alan Watts lectures and it's the main things keeping me sane. It's hard, I have a lot of "bad thoughts" and ideation but I know that it's all temporary.

I have no clue if this helps but know, please please please know, that this right now, this dark place is needed so that your light can shine when it you get out of the dark. From random internet stranger #57432675, but someone who has similar feelings it will get better, it has to get better! You are worth more then anything in this world, just make sure you keep your light burning, even a little bit, so the world gets a chance to see your light when it beems brightest!

Idk why your post compelled me so much to reply, I usually never do, but just keep going!