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gbru015 t1_istx3vq wrote

This doesn't seem like an "also" level revelation - more kinda the headline. Is that true?


Stephannation t1_istyx89 wrote

Google Karim Benzema 15


HerakIinos t1_isu5mt4 wrote

The girl was 16 and she admited she lied about her age. He wasnt aware she was a minor.


Cosoman t1_isuv9l0 wrote

Also he was like 19-20 at that time


Stephannation t1_isu924u wrote

Although all that could be true, he has lost the benefit of the doubt in my mind


HerakIinos t1_isu96f4 wrote

Its not like him or the judges cares about your mind...

The girl literally admited it.


Stephannation t1_isu9iao wrote

I actually just got a call from the judges in a wild turn of events


ChrisTinnef t1_isu8msa wrote

Investigation found he had credible reasons to believe she was of legal age. So I'd say it's a similar Level to the crime he was found guilty of.