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vercertorix t1_it13qgy wrote

Got arrested by the other magic skeletons. They said there’s a long list of things I can’t do.


Valerian_ t1_it2vx9v wrote

Did they have have hollow tubes that contains small pieces of metal filled with magic quick expanding/heating powder? If they use their tentacles on the moving metal bits it can remove magic from skeletons.

Also by "said", do you mean they used their cave of sharp bones to generate magic air waves that somehow transmit data?


lionbarz t1_it0pj4n wrote

I’m up against a lot of other magic skeletons though


wholesome_cream t1_it4p1ex wrote

Well you just gotta be magicer and bonier, not to mention meatier and electricer


kiss_me_billy t1_it12e42 wrote

this description really just makes me feel like gingerly crawling into a gauze cocoon to coddle my fragile flesh meats until the end of time


chev327fox t1_it1dy0x wrote

So uh… how do you cuddle them fragile flesh meats? Just wanted to cross reference.


TheEyeDontLie t1_it1p15q wrote

They said "coddle". Coddled eggs is a method somewhat similar to poached eggs but to a lower temperature.

Personally I think coddled eggs are gross slimy things, but if my eggs are going to be cooked I suppose it's better than scrambled or fried.


chev327fox t1_it3x2s2 wrote

Funny thing is I put coddle but my spell correct thought it knew better. But thanks for replying seriously to my joke, I enjoyed the info ;)


benjidog1 t1_it2ral9 wrote

The imagination is willing, but the meat is spongey and bruised.


DrewJayJoan t1_it1ivyj wrote

"Your brain is just a meat computer inside a bone cockpit piloting a skin robot! You think the world makes sense? Nothing makes sense! So you might as well make nonsense! Think about it!"

-Bill Cipher.

I'm now realizing that I have a paragraph-long Bill Cipher quote committed to memory.


ipswitch_ t1_it182ap wrote

Yeah it's all goofy skeleton tweets right up until he tries to get the Internet Archive shut down because he's worried about his book sales. This guy is a real asshole, just the worst type of nerd you can imagine.


aup123 t1_it3gv08 wrote

Huh, so the nerds who talk like this and use "humans are strange creatures" type of jargan are actually dickheads that are socailly stunted.



Ash_Divine t1_it1449s wrote

It's Thursday


ohfantasyfreeme t1_it2m53n wrote

THANK you. There were way too many comments NOT ADDRESSING THIS.


Thanh42 t1_it2xwqr wrote

In my time zone the thread was posted on Wednesday.


chint00420 t1_it3kc8u wrote

yeah.. you gotta wait until next week. so just chill for now.


Chimeron1995 t1_it1askg wrote

The skeleton isn’t really the magic bit. We’re just meat machines run my a meat computer. The meat computer is the special part. Evidence- you can remove a lot of bones and still be functional. Remove a few bits from the computer bit and well…


TripedalCyclops t1_it0eqxk wrote

I hate to be the spelling police, but the title says Magic Skelton. Wasn't there a Red Skelton, and I am a Magic Skeleton?

Nice mental image either way. Weird but accurate


chev327fox t1_it1e1gv wrote

I’m a “Tragic Simpleton”. Close enough.


OminOus_PancakeS t1_it1xqxg wrote

I don't find this especially motivating but I do find it mildly cringe-inducing.


Porpoise555 t1_it25g6y wrote

I just read it as. "I have money and no real problems, you should get money and have no real problems just like me woooo"


Colonel_Kipplar t1_it18iwe wrote

A magic skeleton that gets very tired for no reason.


StrawberryStalin t1_it2lrks wrote

This guy looks like he prefers a night indoors playing Switch while his wife goes to her boyfriend’s place.


monkeygoneape t1_it3jym3 wrote

He's also a terrible author, used to work for Lucasfilm before being fired


Mech-Waldo t1_it1ws57 wrote

Tuesday was also the day I got home and couldn't find where I left my pot brownie.


_N00bMaster69_ t1_it18wic wrote

Get motivated embracing spooktober, nice.


FederalSlutInspector t1_it1dl1i wrote

Kinda sketches me out that he considers us packed with meat rather than muscle...


chev327fox t1_it1e4kd wrote

It’s almost like they think muscle is meat. Those morons. 🤓


Spiritofhonour t1_it1n7uo wrote

Humans are just giant meat donuts. The hole is just very long.


PM_ME_YOUR_MESMER t1_it20d7c wrote

Just describing my body in a unique way won't pay my bills. It won't suddenly buy me a house that my children can grow up in, and it sure as hell won't get me a payrise.

Content like this adds nothing of value to the world.


aup123 t1_it3g96c wrote

But saying Magic Skeleton as an adult is so SILLY!!! r/notlikeotheradults ^(/s)


Matchew024 t1_it23nnx wrote

A few years ago I shattered my kneecap. After the doctor screwed the top half and bottom of if my kneecap he told me that I would grow a new kneecap. I couldn't believe even at 34 my body could still do this. Magic skeleton indeed!


GoldenDingleberry t1_it2a5pj wrote

Can someone explain why people like this so much? This guy wrote a book based on this tweet, thatwa recommended to me but turned out to be ridiculous. I dont get it.


R0m4ik t1_it2cmdj wrote

Daily reminder that you can feel moist on your bones


Torque2101 t1_it2i6po wrote

It's hard to feel positive about Twitter posts. Bluechecks will post stuff like this, the turn around call a 13 year old child a "Nazi" and tell the child to kill themselves for not liking a movie about space wizards.


monkeygoneape t1_it3jvt9 wrote

Wouldn't be taking advice from chuck wending


chronotrigs t1_it1mnpv wrote

Except get up in the morning, apparently.


FO_Steven t1_it1ne1l wrote

"Sharp bones" holup.... how sharp?


StaticWood t1_it1pqg8 wrote

I’m neither the skeleton nor the magic.


Elco1998 t1_it1suhq wrote

🤚imaaaaginaaaaatiooon 🤚😃


ADGx27 t1_it1zunz wrote

Magic skeleton? You’re goddamn right. Call me Heisenbones


agoodpapa t1_it25ez3 wrote

I'm really more of a roving bacteria colony, TBH.


onetimenative t1_it27g12 wrote

Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words will never hurt me they said

.... but she said I was ugly now my electricity is telling my imagination that my meat hurts inside my magic skeleton :(


TurrPhennirPhan t1_it2agfz wrote

Thank you, guy who wrote decent Star Wars novels!


Publius015 t1_it2eorr wrote

I'll do ya one better - you are a bunch of intelligent, self-aware atoms that can move voluntarily.


jercule_poirot t1_it2f5o1 wrote

I've been called a lot of things in my life,some bad,some worse,but never a magic skeleton,thank you


MemeDaddee t1_it2f81r wrote

every other day of the week i feel like a lame skeleton


MR_DARK999 t1_it2gdfj wrote

That's Dark Motivation hats off


Thundrfox t1_it2ksfv wrote

That’s a fun discription


WornInShoes t1_it2ppsk wrote

Lol my magic skeleton is defective (I have spina bifida)

What’s the return policy here


bincyvoss t1_it2s2fr wrote

This would be nice embroidered on a pillow.


cahuff99 t1_it2t3vb wrote

For some reason this made me think of Nick Miller: “I have two perfectly good forks at the end of my arms”


mcfinnish t1_it2tb9a wrote

The beauty is it’s not actually magic, it’s just how your body is.


Seltz_ t1_it2wzcx wrote

Atheists trying to motivate themselves like:


bean_boy39 t1_it36wuo wrote

There’s this outlook of Tuesday, then there is Virginia Woolf’s outlook…


BokoMoko t1_it374vr wrote

Is imagination infinite?


sabyr400 t1_it3o0pi wrote

I'm pretty sure I'm the wrinkly fleshy part house within the topmost chamber of the magic skeleton, and am the magic skeleton's pilot.

But that's still pretty magical tbh.


deathbunnyy t1_it4fqkv wrote

Just a sack of meat with electricity running through it.


Wonderful_Bar_1940 t1_it4h6o2 wrote

Thank you, Chuck Wending, for your Skeletal inspirations!


DoritoDust7 t1_it4p580 wrote

My dude it is Thursday, not Tuesday.


dropnad_tosspin t1_it4udng wrote

I’m actually a consciousness, thank you. The skeleton is only here for support.


Dr_Peter_Blood t1_it29eyf wrote

The day you realize you are actually one of the weakest life forms on earth whose only real protective weapon is his fragile, jelly-like brain that is seemingly capable of compensating most of your destroying everything around you.


obiwanmoloney t1_it1uip1 wrote

Love this!

(I used my magic electric meat tentacles to transfer this thought from my mind to electricity, then light, straight to your imagination wherever you are on the planet)
