Submitted by agk_78 t3_y8t51h in GetMotivated

  • Important people come and go, and that's okay.

Unfortunately, the most important people in your life can become strangers overnight.

Fortunately, total strangers can become the most important people in your life overnight. This process hurts, but if accepted, it serves to improve the quality and suitability of the people in your life.

  • Your diet isn't just what you eat.

As you get older you realize that your diet isn't just what you eat, it's what you watch, what you read, who you follow, and who you spend your time with.

So if your goal is to have a healthier mind, you have to start by removing all the junk from your diet.

  • You have to let people down to be happy.

You and your mental health are more important than your career, more money, other people's opinions, that event you said you would attend, your partner's mood, and your family's wishes.

If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down.

Your self-love must always be stronger than your desire to be loved by others.

  • Never let rejection lead to self-rejection.

A person who has experienced rejection fears rejection and a person that fears rejection tends to push or run away before they can be rejected.

In their subconscious mind, they have avoided rejection.

In reality, they've been rejected again this time by themselves.

  • Own your responsibilities, own your future.

You're not responsible for your trauma but you are responsible for breaking the cycle and not hurting more people because of what happened to you.

You will never control your future if you let your present be controlled by your past.

What happened yesterday may not be your responsibility, but how you behave today is.

  • Quality over quantity.

Life is about quality, not quantity.

One quality friend gives you more than 100 acquaintances.

One quality relationship gives you more than 100 flings.

One quality experience gives you more than 100 drunken nights.

  • Fairytales will make you unhappy.

Obsessing over the things that society said you're "supposed to do" will kill your happiness.

Don't listen to the fake fairytales of how

your life is supposed to be going.

You don't have to go to university at 18, get a job at 21, buy a house at 25, get married at 30, or have kids at 35.

Everyone is different, and your path to happiness will be too.

  • Fun is yours.

If you want to enjoy your life, don't subscribe to other people's definition of "fun".

The fun doesn't have to mean drinking, partying, and socializing Fun can be a night alone, getting lost in a book, a deep conversation, a walk, creating art, playing music, or doing work that you love.

Your fun belongs to you, make sure you define it.

Source: Steven Bartlett Instagram



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RWaggs81 t1_it2c1d3 wrote

  1. The thing most people think of as "love" or "falling in love" is actually infatuation, and rash life decisions shouldn't be made based on infatuation.

Infidian t1_it3mdnj wrote

I was so shook when the priest in Vinland Saga told Canute that love is discrimination. And that’s when Canute realized his father doesn’t love him, since you know his dad secretly wants him dead


RWaggs81 t1_it6ayz8 wrote

I'm not familiar with this. Link?


Infidian t1_ittvvjo wrote

It's an anime. I loved it when I was 20 and that was only 2 years ago so maybe it still holds up. The episode in question is called Out of The cradle but I don't remember what number it is.


HealthVegetable7392 t1_it1uk6p wrote

Well said... Be yourself, then respect yourself and accept to think about you first because when you'll be 100% on your tracks you will be in the perfect condition to care for the most important thing after you... Your family!

In a group (family, sport teams, work teams etc) every member care for each other... Imagine then you separate all these groups in your life. Which one is the most important? Your family! Because you are your family...

In French we say... Tout est en tout est en toi.

Google translate: Everything is in everything is in you

I could shorten this by... The Alpha and The Omega



SteppedBody2098 t1_itrtw1x wrote

The quote you translated reminds me of the symbolism of yin and yang.

Correct me if wrong I'm just trying to understand and or elaborate for my sake.

Where there's light there is darkness.. where there's darkness light prevails. yet all is one...


WeAreLivinTheLife t1_it1wpnl wrote

65 yo me wishes I had read this at 18 and that I would have been wise enough to take the advice


luxtenebris96 t1_it2uwif wrote

Tru. Rights now I don't now have get it (implement in my life)


letmeseeyobassface t1_it2wl2u wrote

To expand on number 6… one good girl is worth a thousand bitches.


sidharthv1 t1_it2i09m wrote

I will follow these quotes