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HealthVegetable7392 t1_it1uk6p wrote

Well said... Be yourself, then respect yourself and accept to think about you first because when you'll be 100% on your tracks you will be in the perfect condition to care for the most important thing after you... Your family!

In a group (family, sport teams, work teams etc) every member care for each other... Imagine then you separate all these groups in your life. Which one is the most important? Your family! Because you are your family...

In French we say... Tout est en tout est en toi.

Google translate: Everything is in everything is in you

I could shorten this by... The Alpha and The Omega



SteppedBody2098 t1_itrtw1x wrote

The quote you translated reminds me of the symbolism of yin and yang.

Correct me if wrong I'm just trying to understand and or elaborate for my sake.

Where there's light there is darkness.. where there's darkness light prevails. yet all is one...