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GeneralZaroff1 t1_it6zpl6 wrote

There are people who can train for twenty years and not even come close to Bolt. You can’t tell me all those other Olympics competitors just “didn’t want it bad enough”.

Let’s not pretend four years of training was all it took. Genetics played a role.


subzero112001 t1_it74ijb wrote

That quote doesn't claim "they didn't want it bad enough". It states that if you give up early on because things are difficult or you don't see progress, you might never see success.

Working diligently and intelligently towards your goal doesn't make your success rate 100%, it makes your success rate >0%. But if you give up then your chance of success is 0%.


Nonstampcollector777 t1_it785mq wrote

What isn’t said but very real is that you can put in all the hard work and not see success either. You should put in time evaluating what you really want to do and think you would be good at.


DnD4dena t1_it8898w wrote

Sure. But you'll be way closer to your goal than if you never tried.

And oftentimes I find the pursuit of the goal gave me skills and experiences that I would not trade for the end result

The routine, the consistency, the competition, the lessons, the improvement, etc. These are great, applicable skills to all aspects of life

And the end goal is often not a great thing to obtain anyway. What's a gold medal to someone vs the overall health you obtain from the training? What's the validation and recognition from the masses to disciplining yourself in all aspects of life?

These are things you don't gain by never trying in the first place


ytsirhc t1_it9nbod wrote

and this is why the phrase “sometimes it’s not the destination it’s the journey” exists.

lately when I’m trying to decide if i want to do some thing that’s out of my comfort zone, I’ve been trying to ask myself “will you regret not trying to do this if you look back on this moment and remember you didn’t do anything? is this activity some thing that I will always wonder about or is it something that I won’t care about in a week?”

it’s not always easy to be honest with yourself about these things, but in the long run I have to remind myself and others that you will never regret getting up and trying even if you fail. But regretting the times you chose to not do anything out of fear is the most common type of regret there is.

i’m not saying I’m perfect at following this advice, but if you want a shorter version for your brain to remember my brain always thinks of “you won’t EVER regret going to the gym, even if you don’t work out to your full potential that day”


NeoPhyRe t1_it7u8qi wrote

That's not all either. Even if you don't succeed, at least you will be more capable than if you had not even tried.


dalyon t1_it7aps4 wrote

The quote also doesn't say he used steroids but he did


subzero112001 t1_ita6fuz wrote

I haven’t heard of that. Source?

But even if he did use steroids, that doesn’t make his quote false. If Hitler said “2+2=4”, it doesn’t make that statement false just because he was a horrific person.


Theforgottendwarf t1_it73sqx wrote

Doping played a role. In Jamaica anti doping regulations weren’t introduced until after Bolt had won. His coach was caught. His teammates caught. His results are now absurd anomalies on the leaderboards.



CurryMustard t1_it7qa7g wrote

If everybody is juicing and hes the fastest of them does that really make him a fraud? Same with Lance. They took away his championships when he was just the best among a bunch of cheaters.

Also why was he not caught if his whole team was?


DuskyDay t1_it7w03o wrote

> If everybody is juicing and hes the fastest of them does that really make him a fraud?

Yes. Cheating is cheating even if everyone cheats.

(Also, not everyone cheats.)

The purpose of the contest is to reveal the best non-cheating person. Not to give spotlight to cheaters.


swatson87 t1_it8ve64 wrote

If they're all doping he's still the best, by a huge margin. Dude is a specimen regardless of how he may have enhanced his performance.

Tbh just let them all dope, the cream will still rise to the top.


rainmaker2332 t1_it83tzw wrote

You guys are so miserable lmao the quote applies to anything you wanna achieve. It's literally just saying don't quit if you don't see immediate results, and you losers somehow twisted it into some "Well ackshully..."


puckofduck t1_it8y1oq wrote

It's crazy, isn't it? Simple quote, simple message, easy. Commenters in this subreddit will spin any positive message into a straw man so that they don't have to rise to it. It's an absolute pit of a place, just crabs clawing at crabs.


rainmaker2332 t1_it92eq1 wrote

I know this saying is thrown around a lot but it literally seems like they're just looking for something to be angry at. It's insane


[deleted] t1_it9c4up wrote

Nah, it's just easier to grind when you have the genes for it. Dudes the fastest man on earth, of course he ain't missing practice.

I don't need the dude with a 10 inch dick giving me shit for passing on orgies.


[deleted] t1_it8n3f4 wrote



rainmaker2332 t1_it92613 wrote

Again, the quote is literally just saying don't quit just because you don't see immediate results. It's not saying some people don't have a leg up over others and that everyone is created equally.

I'm actually impressed you managed to take "don't give up on a goal if it seems like you're you're not progressing as fast as you would like" and twisted it into "anybody can beat Michael Phelps if you work hard enough" what type of sad, failure of an individual does such a thing lmaoooo


Least-March7906 t1_it74cuh wrote

Yeah, of course genetics played a role, however training is a more decisive factor than genetics. If he did not put in those hours, there’s absolutely nothing his genes could have done for him.


Nicura200 t1_it7bic2 wrote

i dont mean to be rude, but no shit, Sherlock.


TheUnweeber t1_it7krmp wrote

That was pretty rude. It's almost as though you didn't try, and so you failed.


feage7 t1_it7qnjf wrote

You definitely didn't try to be polite.


ShvoogieCookie t1_it842j9 wrote

The advice is fine if you don't try to become the world's best at everything. Just regularly practicing your guitar doesn't assure you become a world renown guitarist but it will very likely push you ahead of 80% of people, serve as a fun hobby and make for nice evenings where friends would like to listen to some of your tunes.


prob_wont_respond t1_it84afp wrote

The story ain't really about running dude.

Lots of people with talent give up because they aren't achieving, in whatever discipline it is.


againer t1_it7h00f wrote

He wanted those genetics more than the other sperm.
