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rainmaker2332 t1_it83tzw wrote

You guys are so miserable lmao the quote applies to anything you wanna achieve. It's literally just saying don't quit if you don't see immediate results, and you losers somehow twisted it into some "Well ackshully..."


puckofduck t1_it8y1oq wrote

It's crazy, isn't it? Simple quote, simple message, easy. Commenters in this subreddit will spin any positive message into a straw man so that they don't have to rise to it. It's an absolute pit of a place, just crabs clawing at crabs.


rainmaker2332 t1_it92eq1 wrote

I know this saying is thrown around a lot but it literally seems like they're just looking for something to be angry at. It's insane


[deleted] t1_it9c4up wrote

Nah, it's just easier to grind when you have the genes for it. Dudes the fastest man on earth, of course he ain't missing practice.

I don't need the dude with a 10 inch dick giving me shit for passing on orgies.


[deleted] t1_it8n3f4 wrote



rainmaker2332 t1_it92613 wrote

Again, the quote is literally just saying don't quit just because you don't see immediate results. It's not saying some people don't have a leg up over others and that everyone is created equally.

I'm actually impressed you managed to take "don't give up on a goal if it seems like you're you're not progressing as fast as you would like" and twisted it into "anybody can beat Michael Phelps if you work hard enough" what type of sad, failure of an individual does such a thing lmaoooo